Until Obama and Hillary fill out a form improperly ("Hey she didn't dot her "I's" in line 2, paragraph b, section 6! Better burn her at the stake!") and then, coincidentally, the GOP become meticulous defenders of the law.

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Wow, now i don't feel so bad about the degree i earned in basket-weaving.

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How's your Etsy store doing?

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God, I hope so. If there's really a place called Heaven, I better not see any of these assholes there.

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I wouldn't be surprised if he was. Goebbels would be jealous of his propaganda skills.

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I completely disagree. The major ideology behind our economic policies of the last 35 years has work exactly as intended. Tax cuts on the rich has allowed more and more of our wealth to be concentrated into fewer and fewer hands. Just as planned.

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Exclamation points also too!!!!1!!!

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Ah, finally some consequences for being a "responsible gun owner" right up until you`re not. the consequence? Oh, $200 a pop for the "responsible 2nd ammending babysitters" http://reverbpress.com/news...

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That makes my nose job hurt

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If you can, please don't tell my mom.

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Med/Mal attorneys can make serious bank.

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I left a wet spot on my chair

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Yeah, this anti-abortion DA is getting a little taste of what anti-abortion extremists are willing to do to make their case.

So sad.

LifeNews and the usual suspects will not be hemmed in by useless facts.

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Do they have the "clap" because they were fucked by the Grand Jury?

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I am so, so tired of tiresome Marco Rubio already, and he has barely even shown us his baby teeth yet.

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Oh dear fucking lord

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