Republican health coverage is essentially a medical version of telling everyone, "We are going to give every one of our constituents a car, and it's going to be CHEAPER than public transportation," and then giving everyone a Hot Wheels. What they said TECHNICALLY wasn't untrue, it was just purposefully misleading as all get out.

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He's worried about losing his primo insurance RIGHT NOW, which is why he's lying his drunk wombat looking ass off about how much he lurves Obamacare.

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He's finally found something to fap to, other than Ivanka.

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Lifetime appointment so she's there (or higher) for forty years.

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It looks brand new, like a prop.

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I don't suppose I need to point out where all the countries with Death Panels and socialised medicine are on that list?

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Turns out Pelosi was right: "We have to pass it so you can see what's in it." and people would like it.

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As a Cheesehead, I cosign this and give you a terrorist fist bump for the "FIB."

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But is that fairly wet, in terms of water?

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Scott Walker is a fucking pus-boil. He and the ugly Republicans that have an iron grip on the state (thanks to gerrymandering) have shit on unions, ended collective bargaining and want to drug test state SNAP recipients. I can't wait to vote against them all.

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Green Bay Packers libel!! Signed a part owner.

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I would like to make it clear that this is an entirely metaphorical dick, the same one that I would, hypothetically, remove from Scott Walker's mouth if, hypothetically, I were interested in his opinion.If it were a real dick, please rest assured that I would tell Walker's mom to get tested.

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God is apparently deaf.

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From your lips to God's ears.

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trump, but yup, the Saud's suck too.

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I know, right? Scott, wearing your high school/college jersey jacket when you're in your forties--well, it's just sad. It's like he's saying "You know I come from Wisconsin, right?"

Though, considering his permanent look of dazed doltishness, he may need reminding of which state he's in.

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