Heh...I just wanted to say fucking. But, while there are some things I like about ID, what I don't like is how the neighborhood strays can come over and shit in our sandbox.

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oh dude you said the evil opposite of 'up' word.

it's like an unforgivable curse.

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From the NPR reporting: <blockquote>The amendment's sponsor, Rep. Cliff Stearns (R-FL) tells The Huffington Post that because the funds are "not just for our first responders; nearly anyone who was in the vicinity or worked on a cleanup crew afterward is eligible," the intent is "to ensure that no terrorists get these benefits."</blockquote>Terrorists will not be able to resist applying for that sweet, sweet socialist health care. And when they do, we'll have 'em right where we want 'em: In the <strike>crosshairs</strike> surveyor's mark of a "DENIED" rubber stamp. But honestly, are the terrorists so naive that they think we'd really just pay? Morans.

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This is not that far off, the only Catholic sex scandal in the small town I grew up in was when the former altar boy and the priest moved out of town together.

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No, we are just witnessing what an attempt to tame a political party to an ideology of pure greed and malice looks like. Doesn't work, they are so far out of the mainstream with these tea party dolts clucking for kleptocracy because of Fox News that people are making the connection that they were tricked this time. Beck was the Jester, he was the last hope to keep them placated and now Fox News has a created a mob that is increasingly angry that corporations and rich people aren't paying more taxes, hilarity.

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Fucking fucking FUCKING Intense Debate!

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Dont be so quick to assume these "first responders" are innocent.

I never saw any pictures of 9/11 without firetrucks and police on the scene. How do we know they weren't already at the WTC waiting for the planes <i>they knew were coming</i>?!?

Also, not all these terrorists can produce valid long form birth certificates from the U.S.A. That means they can't prove they meet the qualifications for "hero", much less for health benefits.

Those who do have a birth certificate were no-doubt born here by terror parents who wanted a terror baby. (Fortunately this plot is easily detected by checking skin color.)

Finally, we know some of these "firemen" went into the buildings just before they collapsed. Coincidence?

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