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Horst Wessel Lied. And smell of Zyklon.

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Too much math.

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I figured that out back in high school. 67-70.

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It is about anybody who is not them having agency. Women are the scariest because they cannot exterminate them without dying themselves.

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They do not support the troops in the sandbox. They are given inadequate equipment, support by low-bid civilian agencies that cause almost as many casualties as the enemy and political hacks that enrage said enemy to a no surrender, no negotiations attitude.

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I usually don't eat and read Wonkette. I kept spraying the screen and keyboard by laughing so hard.

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"The billionaires need to understand they can't have it all." -Bernie Sanders

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Mad Magazine. I would know that lettering style anywhere. It's been decades since I picked up an issue though.

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"'It could invite a fight, but I think most Americans do not believe that their tax dollars should be used to fund the kind of grotesque procedures we’ve seen authenticated,' said McCain."

You mean like drone bombings of civilians?

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Just attach an amendment extending the provisions to all tissue donations, and watch these fuckos shut down the government to prevent blood donations.

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Why stop there? All organ donation - it's against Jeebus!

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I love it when they make new accounts, just to come back and howl: "I don't care that you banned me! You can tell by how I went and made a sock puppet account just so I could come back here and tell you how I don't care about it!"

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Don't let the police know or they'd think they have enough "evidence" to shoot you on sight.

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But now they are horrified, all of a sudden, because they heard about some videos claiming — without any evidence whatsoever — that everyone at Planned Parenthood is getting super rich by trafficking BABY PARTS.

Oh please. If the abortion industry really wanted to "do profit", they would follow the doctrine of the Capitalist Manisfesto and import parts aborted from 12 year-old Malaysian girls.

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