I don't have a problem with someone disagreeing with me-it's an open forum and you can say and think anything you want-but you choose to do so, and not for the first time, by getting snippy and insulting. That pretty much precludes me from taking what you have to say very seriously or wanting to engage in further debate. Work out your social aggression on someone else. I'm done.

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Yeah, like Merrick Garland is on the Supreme Court now.

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That's what Mitch would do, let's follow his example.

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Saw him on MSNBC last night. He said Ford is "mixed up". In other words she be a crazy hysterical lying bitch.

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I have in recent years made the acquaintance of several trans men and they all have equally interesting things to say. Not surprisingly.

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"Gonna Ram Kavanaugh Through Or Pretend To Have A Conscience?"

I'm pretty sure they can do both. And will.

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Or what kind of soup she likes

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Come over here and sit by me, I'm still on timeout from My Helen Keller joke. https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

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"But what were you wearing at the time?" Sen. "Concerned" Collins

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Wimminz can't make up their pretty little minds, amirite, nudge, wink?

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"But those hot chicks from Uzbeki-bek-beki stan are fair game, amirite?" Pizza Uncle

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Yeah, if a serial axe-muderer gets paroled on Tuesday, then we can confirm him for the Supremes on Wednesday. Go home and eat you mayo sandwich with jello salad, ya tosser

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So, Fascist Turtle Mitch is the voice of reason now?

Looks like a picked the wrong month to quit drinking

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Ptomi Lowrent!

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Do you think we can stop him getting the seat?No.We have nothing.All we can hope is this pisses people off enough to vote.That was my point.

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Sigh. And I missed it all. Will Vandegraf's comment qualify for Dear SFB?

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