A good umbrella seller will actually lower prices when it looks like rain, knowing that people will panic buy them, lose them and then buy more at full price during the downpour.
Where did anyone get the idea that shrinkflation was charging the same for less product?
I bought a box of Cheerios and noticed when I set it next to the almost-empty box that it was smaller. Pulled them both down, the new box had 2.5 fewer ounces than the old box and was $.50 more expensive than the previous box.
We need regulations to protect us from corporations as consumers and we need regulations to protect us from corporations as employees🧐 Sounds like corporations are predatory entities run by psychopaths. We might want to kill them before they kill us.
Tim Scott took his phone off the hook while the Obamacare debate was going on. When questioned by the newspapers in South Carolina he said "too many people from out of state were calling me."
Riiiiiiight! I know I tried calling about 50 times over several days, and I have a SC area code. I don't know why anyone in the middle class votes for these dumb fucks.
To deal with shrinkflation, why not require that any corporation that puts out a smaller version of a product must lable it for a year with "Now, even less for the same price!"
I bought a box of Mike & Ike’s this week and it was 20 percent smaller. Kind of obvious when it’s next to all the other theater box sized candies that haven’t shrunk yet. I see you Mike and Ike.
“Insurance companies fly drones above our property in search of signs of clutter”
Seriously fuck these assholes. I had the roof patched a couple years ago and the shingles aren’t a perfect match (just the color is different) to the old ones. I had the repair work done by a reputable company. They sent me an email saying they could tell from a satellite photo that the roof needed to be replaced and that if I don’t do this within a month, they will drop my coverage. Did some research and apparently they are doing this all over the place and there’s no getting around it by going to another company. I’ve put more than $100k into house maintenance over the years. Never asked a dime back from my tythe to the insurance companies. Ass Holes.
Same thing happened to my sister. Granted, her yard IS kind of junky but she proved it was an upside down temporarily draining swimming pool not a tarp covering junk.
We joined the big time. Our house 'rebuild' price is through the roof because our town has gained so much housing value (resort bedroom community). We had ours raised to a higher level.
This same thing happened to us. We didn't even get a "fix it or we'll drop you" letter, just a straight up, "We've decided to cancel your policy at the end of the current month."
There's the obvious things like the 10-oz "pound" of coffee, the 1.44 liter "1/2 gallon" of ice cream, where they sort of try to make the package look like it used to by poking in huge air divots - and with ice cream, whipping in more air. Then there are products that never really had standard sizes like chip bags, 10 oz, 8, 7, 6? And how would one know if gasoline is actually sold by the gallon and not by a 3-liter unit?
I’m having a hard time getting worked up about the bowling alley charging more on Saturday night. The reverse of that coin is the place offering discount bowling during the day Monday to Thursday. Are Early Bird specials at restaurants to be deplored?
I used to work in a hotel. We had a 3 night minimum during the springtime (our busy season). This woman called me one time and wanted to book Saturday night. When I told her I didn't have any rooms available, she asked why nobody in town had a room. I said "well, for one reason, nobody just wants to rent out a Saturday night in the hotel business." She started screaming at me "that's not fair!" I didn't bother to explain to her that it's a business, and they need to maximize their profits. Hotels aren't a charity.
I used to own a beach house, that I had to rent out during the summers during the Great Recession, because I had lost so much home equity, I couldn't sell it. People would tell me how much money I must be making off this cash cow, with the exorbitant prices I was charging (about $225 a night for a 3 bedroom house). I'd always say "sure, if you think losing $15,000 a year is rolling in clover, I'm definitely rolling in clover."
A lot of people don't know anything about economics, or how businesses work.
How are we supposed to show "intolerance" of prices for things we need?
Every now and then a Thom Hartmann newsletter pops up in my email with an article about how Drumpf made a deal with the Saudis and Putin to cut down on oil production. The idea was that since Big Oil took a "hit" during the pandemic, they were "hurting". So Drumpf, as he said, "saved" the oil industry with his "negotiations". Reportedly he told Mohamed von Bone Saw that if they didn't do as he says, he would remove US troops from their positions guarding Saudi oil wells and related oil stuff. I never see this anywhere else. Another thing I hardly ever see is how Jared helped Bone Saw stage a coup, which displace his (Bone Saw's) cousin so BS could be King of SA. Cousin is still in prison, iirc. Hence Jared's thank-you loan of a couple billion bucks. This is fun, isn't it?
Recent (excellent) antitrust reporting indicates our American Oil tycoons are/were also semi-unofficially aligning themselves with OPEC on supply and pricing:
Here in the United States, we don't hold rich fucks accountable, because that would be elitist or something.
A good umbrella seller will actually lower prices when it looks like rain, knowing that people will panic buy them, lose them and then buy more at full price during the downpour.
Where did anyone get the idea that shrinkflation was charging the same for less product?
I bought a box of Cheerios and noticed when I set it next to the almost-empty box that it was smaller. Pulled them both down, the new box had 2.5 fewer ounces than the old box and was $.50 more expensive than the previous box.
Ta, Robyn. Democratic Senators are lovable, like Liz Warren and Jon Tester. Republican Senators are loathsome.
Democrats: So you agree the government should institute price controls on necessary items?
Republicans: Look, Hunter Biden dick pics!
We need regulations to protect us from corporations as consumers and we need regulations to protect us from corporations as employees🧐 Sounds like corporations are predatory entities run by psychopaths. We might want to kill them before they kill us.
Rat bastards!
Perfect price discrimination is a Libertarian's wet dream.
Until they get to Galt's Gulch and learn that gold is inedible.
Tim Scott took his phone off the hook while the Obamacare debate was going on. When questioned by the newspapers in South Carolina he said "too many people from out of state were calling me."
Riiiiiiight! I know I tried calling about 50 times over several days, and I have a SC area code. I don't know why anyone in the middle class votes for these dumb fucks.
It's the racism. It sounds so simplistic, but it's so true.
To deal with shrinkflation, why not require that any corporation that puts out a smaller version of a product must lable it for a year with "Now, even less for the same price!"
Carrefour in France did that: https://www.theguardian.com/business/2023/sep/14/carrefour-puts-shrinkflation-price-warnings-on-food-to-shame-brands
Assuming, of course, that they haven't *raised* the price, and given you less at the same time.
I bought a box of Mike & Ike’s this week and it was 20 percent smaller. Kind of obvious when it’s next to all the other theater box sized candies that haven’t shrunk yet. I see you Mike and Ike.
Mike and Ike - shoving their gay agenda down our throats AGAIN!!! Proof that Big Homo is out to screw us.
Big Homo!
“Insurance companies fly drones above our property in search of signs of clutter”
Seriously fuck these assholes. I had the roof patched a couple years ago and the shingles aren’t a perfect match (just the color is different) to the old ones. I had the repair work done by a reputable company. They sent me an email saying they could tell from a satellite photo that the roof needed to be replaced and that if I don’t do this within a month, they will drop my coverage. Did some research and apparently they are doing this all over the place and there’s no getting around it by going to another company. I’ve put more than $100k into house maintenance over the years. Never asked a dime back from my tythe to the insurance companies. Ass Holes.
Same thing happened to my sister. Granted, her yard IS kind of junky but she proved it was an upside down temporarily draining swimming pool not a tarp covering junk.
We joined the big time. Our house 'rebuild' price is through the roof because our town has gained so much housing value (resort bedroom community). We had ours raised to a higher level.
This same thing happened to us. We didn't even get a "fix it or we'll drop you" letter, just a straight up, "We've decided to cancel your policy at the end of the current month."
There's the obvious things like the 10-oz "pound" of coffee, the 1.44 liter "1/2 gallon" of ice cream, where they sort of try to make the package look like it used to by poking in huge air divots - and with ice cream, whipping in more air. Then there are products that never really had standard sizes like chip bags, 10 oz, 8, 7, 6? And how would one know if gasoline is actually sold by the gallon and not by a 3-liter unit?
At least with the gas, they get inspected by the city. Bureau of Weights and Measures, I believe.
I’m having a hard time getting worked up about the bowling alley charging more on Saturday night. The reverse of that coin is the place offering discount bowling during the day Monday to Thursday. Are Early Bird specials at restaurants to be deplored?
I used to work in a hotel. We had a 3 night minimum during the springtime (our busy season). This woman called me one time and wanted to book Saturday night. When I told her I didn't have any rooms available, she asked why nobody in town had a room. I said "well, for one reason, nobody just wants to rent out a Saturday night in the hotel business." She started screaming at me "that's not fair!" I didn't bother to explain to her that it's a business, and they need to maximize their profits. Hotels aren't a charity.
I used to own a beach house, that I had to rent out during the summers during the Great Recession, because I had lost so much home equity, I couldn't sell it. People would tell me how much money I must be making off this cash cow, with the exorbitant prices I was charging (about $225 a night for a 3 bedroom house). I'd always say "sure, if you think losing $15,000 a year is rolling in clover, I'm definitely rolling in clover."
A lot of people don't know anything about economics, or how businesses work.
How are we supposed to show "intolerance" of prices for things we need?
Every now and then a Thom Hartmann newsletter pops up in my email with an article about how Drumpf made a deal with the Saudis and Putin to cut down on oil production. The idea was that since Big Oil took a "hit" during the pandemic, they were "hurting". So Drumpf, as he said, "saved" the oil industry with his "negotiations". Reportedly he told Mohamed von Bone Saw that if they didn't do as he says, he would remove US troops from their positions guarding Saudi oil wells and related oil stuff. I never see this anywhere else. Another thing I hardly ever see is how Jared helped Bone Saw stage a coup, which displace his (Bone Saw's) cousin so BS could be King of SA. Cousin is still in prison, iirc. Hence Jared's thank-you loan of a couple billion bucks. This is fun, isn't it?
Recent (excellent) antitrust reporting indicates our American Oil tycoons are/were also semi-unofficially aligning themselves with OPEC on supply and pricing:
The prices always go up in summer because demand rises. Yet, strangely, the supply is more than adequate to meet said demand.
I can't wait for prices to dip so that I can buy 40,000 umbrellas!