About Desantis having "a voice like a particularly adenoidal Chihuahua" : Ren Libeled.

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Not even any darned gruel from repubs.

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people having food? what's next? people having shelter?

we all know that this is a slippery slope to a happier, healthier society and we MUST NOT ALLOW THAT!!!11eleven

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Give. Everybody. Eat. Yes, I will gladly pay taxes so no one ever goes to the grocery store with keeping 3-4 products in mind in case they have to put something back at checkout. I will pay extra taxes so everyone can have clean water, both potable and sanitary.

Harris/Whitmere 2028

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Harris/Whitmer 2028 (Sorry for the extra e above!

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Close parentheses). I am having a Day.

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we're all judging you silently, ya know /s

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Somewhere embedded in this story is the fact that lotteries are set up to prey upon the poor.

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the fun thing in Nevada is that they dropped all the pretenses and we don't even have a state lottery.

if you wanna gamble here, just go to the next 7eleven.

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I love my Govenor.

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Jul 19, 2023·edited Jul 19, 2023


So basically, if you have a car, no SNAP for your. And if you’re in a rural area with no public transportation, which means you have to drive to work, well, tough shit.

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"The test, which required families to show that they had less than $15,000 in assets "

We should be so lucky to have this in Idaho- Idaho only allows $9,000 in assets and my small property just was assessed by the tax people over that so I lost my Medicaid! Bummer because I have some very expensive inhalers that help to keep me alive....oh well, cat food time!

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Food and shelter? Sounds kinda woke

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Yay! Better access to good and housing! Go Big Gretch!

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I always thought it particularly hateful when we bailed out the banks and Wall Street for wrecking the economy in 2008 that they were no means tests. And yeah, one of those banksters spent $70K of that bailout money to redecorate his office. I think the rationale was something like "We need to give them lots of money or else they'll get other jobs!" WTF.

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It was worse than that, since the banks were “too big to fail,” the bigger and richer the bank, the more politicians fell over themselves to bail them out. It was actually the inverse of the republican approach to the poor.

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Yep, what a disgrace.

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That was the one place where Obama really messed up

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Naw...he messed up others by insisting R's were reasonable and would actually govern.

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Have started watching a series of vids on You Tube from Robert Reich class at Berkeley. He talks about "superstar" CEO's and how they just have to be wooed to get them into places. You'd think they were talking about Mickey Mantle or Tom Cruiz.

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yeah but Mickey could hit a curveball!

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deletedJul 19, 2023·edited Jul 19, 2023
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A few years back, my Democratic mayor pushed an increase of the city income tax during a recession. The Republicans screamed bloody murder. Everyone called him an idiot for raising taxes during a recession and that it would drive away business.

He argued that businesses coming to the area brought their families with them, and they wanted decent schools, good police and fire protection, and cultural and recreational opportunities for their families. He got the increase through City Council, didn't lose any existing businesses and didn't drive away any interested businesses.

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So glad to be a voting citizen of The Mitten!

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Big Gretch is turning the mitten into an anti-Republican boxing glove.

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I am enjoying living in the current socialist hellscape of Michigan!

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The Talmud:

"We do not check the credentials of those who come to us for food."

That's the evil hypocritical Pharisees, BTW. It's the good charitable Christians who make up these damn tests, because they're so good and charitable, unlike those stingy Joos.

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BTFW, about Michigan...from the Daily Kos Election Enewsletter:

"MI State House: Conservative activists just launched recall campaigns against five Democratic members of the closely divided Michigan House, though they face steep challenges in qualifying for the ballot. But don't expect complacency from Democrats, who haven't forgotten that Republicans successfully used recalls to wrest away control of the state Senate in 1984—and then held it for the next four decades.

The targeted Democrats are Reps. Betsy Coffia, Jennifer Conlin, Jaime Churches, Sharon MacDonell, and Reggie Miller—five women who were all elected for the first time last year and helped power their party to shocking upset that resulted in a 56-54 majority. Except for MacDonnell, who sits in bluer turf, all represent swingy districts and all won by single digits last year"


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