And after that, women voting and the end of slavery

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The need lots of guns and ammo to protect themselves from the relentless attacks by the legions of boogeymen controlled by the vague evil entity they call "The Left"

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Things got more exciting? Long lines?

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Devolution. From monkey costar to chimpanzee to shit flinging gorilla (not shown).https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

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Scott Walker! Now there's a name we don't hear a lot these days, and I'm thankful for that...

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I think the Republicans lack heart...and brains, and courage.


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Ta, Liz.

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man i love them so much (i was a tad younger than t.rex heyday and only knew the hits.). every song is a revelation.

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"We all need a hug and a long cry" feels like it could be our national mantra.

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From what Stormy said, Trump would be more of a homo flaccidus, than an erectus.

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I was just getting rid of Army stuff and found several 30-round magazines. Straight in the trash. Well, I bashed them with a hammer to render them unusable - then to the trash. A lot of uniform stuff went in the trash, too. I usually donate everything to Goodwill, but Y'all Qaeda militia cosplaying assholes are the main buyers of old tactical gear at thrift stores... and they can get bent.

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Big truck, big gun, tiny peen.

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Thing things okay? ALL THE THINGS!

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In East Texas-not exactly the intellectual capital of the world.

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Democrats WHAT? FFS? They don't know how to do what they think they are doing now.How will that help?

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