Also, I always love it when the Rethugs bring up "the American people," as if they give a damn about them.

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....................... https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

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I still remember when raising the debt ceiling was a non-political act that got done, with no fanfare, every time it was proposed. That was before the Rethugs figured out they could politicize it.

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Recall also Bush suggesting the then surplus had to be returned to the people. And that paying down said surplus too quickly could be dangerous !Worst of all, the tax cut was enacted with 100,000+ troops in Iraq, with more on the way. A first ever wartime tax cut.

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It's tribalism, pure and simple. "My pappy ain't never voted for no democrat and neither will I."

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If turning left is a skill, the guy better be a motherfucking champion for 'LIBELZ.'

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Keep hammering home the fact that it is mathematically impossible for people that get pushed into a new tax bracket to actually lose money. That can't happen. Ever. Period.

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This is what annoys the shit out of me. The GOP longs for the Golden Era of the post-WWII period, yet refuses to recognize we had such strong economic growth and a strong middle class when the top marginal tax rates were much higher than they are now and we had massive government investments in public goods.

Granted, I know they long for the racism of that era as much or more than the economic situation, but the scam of trickle down economics needs to finally die.

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"I think people agree with me. I think Republicans agree that we have too much debt ..."1. You can't think, Batboy. 2. Give us the names

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That too!

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although I think the original poster was trying to be a bit edgy, you know, like the whitehouse squatter wanted to cut aid to blue states, so tit for tat

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don't hold your breath for that to happen

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And Jack Nicholson as the Joker or GTFO!

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Lousy tech support.

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