today, we are all just drifting towards a terrible muddle.

which - come to think of it - would be a fabulous name for a bar.

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A pale, bloated lizard.

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I know that was a really tasteless post but I couldn't resist the set up. Look what Wonkette is doing to me.

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At least one according to Rolling Stones magazine: <a href="http://www.rollingstone.com..." target="_blank">" rel="nofollow noopener" title="http://www.rollingstone.com/politics/news/michele...">http://www.rollingstone.com...

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Wait, gay marriage is a threat? What does that make Newt?

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The 'Pubs need to get Frank Luntz working on a sanitized euphemism for "double standard."

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and have you heard about the red-eye gravy?

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No, no, the People want jobs for all and to stop losing their houses. And the Republicans in Congress have been working overtime to accomplish...oh, wait, never mind.

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so BAUPBO for short?

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