Trust me, the only state more embararrasing on a regular basis might be Mississippi, although maybe not because at least they don't allow religious opt out for children's vaccinations.
Wow it's almost like Regan demanding the gates to the Gated Communities be torn down! Power to the ungated to wander their lush and watered landscapes.
I thought no go zones were contiguous geographical area consisting of public space or privately owned public space without easily accessible bathrooms. There is something that should be banned.
Hey Susan Lynn, we already have something that's designed to keep people from being shut out of certain areas based on arbitrary things. They're called anti discrimination laws. You know those same laws that so many people in you party think shouldn't apply to gays?
Virginia has the dubious distinction of having elected Bob McDonnell and there was this Cuccinelli figure also. Yeah, Eric Cantor was tossed out, but for someone even crazier.
Tennessee has two major semi-liberal cities and the rest of the state is operating on the assumption that the Earth is 6000 years old. Their politics are 30-40% sane on domestic issues with a supermajority almost always dragging them back from every inch of progress they make.
In the early 1960's they almost emulated the community college feeder system that California was building but backed out when the civil rights era elected some of their most crazy and despicable representatives. So here we are in 2015 with TN trying to do the same thing with making community college free, and the wingnuts are trying to destroy the legislation as anti-free market interference.
I wish someone had made this a "no-go-zone" 28 yrs ago. I wouldn't be living here now.
Trust me, the only state more embararrasing on a regular basis might be Mississippi, although maybe not because at least they don't allow religious opt out for children's vaccinations.
"Bathrooms are for praying customers only."
No shirt, No shoes, No Bible - No service!
Wasn't the setting up of no-go areas once called redlining? If so, I think it has already been banned.
I was on my knees in a public men's room once--but that was a long time ago and I was drunk or something.
Wow it's almost like Regan demanding the gates to the Gated Communities be torn down! Power to the ungated to wander their lush and watered landscapes.
I thought no go zones were contiguous geographical area consisting of public space or privately owned public space without easily accessible bathrooms. There is something that should be banned.
And thank you for continuing Tennessee’s unbroken track record as the most embarrassing place to live in America.
We strongly disagree!Sincerely,Florida, Louisiana, Texas, Alabama, South Carolina, etc.
She came up for the idea for this bill while playing Bridge with the ladies at her club.
Hey Susan Lynn, we already have something that's designed to keep people from being shut out of certain areas based on arbitrary things. They're called anti discrimination laws. You know those same laws that so many people in you party think shouldn't apply to gays?
Virginia has the dubious distinction of having elected Bob McDonnell and there was this Cuccinelli figure also. Yeah, Eric Cantor was tossed out, but for someone even crazier.
In dead, by the 1968 fair housing act.
Tennessee has two major semi-liberal cities and the rest of the state is operating on the assumption that the Earth is 6000 years old. Their politics are 30-40% sane on domestic issues with a supermajority almost always dragging them back from every inch of progress they make.
In the early 1960's they almost emulated the community college feeder system that California was building but backed out when the civil rights era elected some of their most crazy and despicable representatives. So here we are in 2015 with TN trying to do the same thing with making community college free, and the wingnuts are trying to destroy the legislation as anti-free market interference.
She seems nice. No not "nice", what's that other word? Horrible.
Wouldn't this law interfere with me god-given right to threaten census workers when they come around trying to register me for a FEMA camp?