Actually the NIH paid me to do diabetes research and hurt the poor suffering Agrobusiness giants by saying mean things about HFCS and the like.

Have a great day!

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A solid bloodletting will do you good! You should check in to getting the full package plus leeches.

Have a great day!

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The dumber we are, the more susceptible to believing and doing what we are told. The less educated children are, the less frequently right wing child molesters have to go to the DR or Asia to get their thrills.

One thing the right wing wants to bring back for the 1% is 'Droit de Seigneur'. All they need is a critical mass of serfs...

Have a great day!

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Non-resident jerb creators, because who with money would even want to actually live in OK?

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so, no science until 2017?.....

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Go back to rivers on fire?

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Wouldn't that also throw a wrench into reporting on the terrible side effects of women who choose abortion and birth control? The non existent data would go against patient confidentiality. I know I shouldn't be trying to make sense, but it is Tuesday.

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That was preventing dangerous ice jams.

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As a fellow divorced person I find that extra funny, or should I say premium 93 octane funny.

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Good point!

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"Out of nearly 200 commonly used compounds [in fracking fluid], there’s very little known about the potential health risks of about one-third, and eight are toxic to mammals."

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The American Exceptionalism Third World Hell Hole Act

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OK America, bend over here it comes again. For folks who aren't't scientists these republicans sure take an interest in things that are killing us don't they?

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Just cuz you don't understand it doesn't make it a secret.

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By all means, let's add the wolves to the table to discuss dinner plans with the lambs.

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It's a pleasant change of pace to find a policy which unites all Republicans, be they nuts, be they ultra-nuts, be they just fucking out-of-their-gourds nuts, in brotherhood and harmony. No, wait, it isn't pleasant at all.

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