Not only does the GOP not mind some Russian help with the elections, it solves their loss of gerrymandering problem.

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sounds like we have a Russian bot here.

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That's not quite it, you know. He just didn't do anything public. And he didn't make public that the Trump campaign was under investigation.

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See, he just says these things. It was 2 days ago he thought up that thing to say. You said "Liar" and he didn't say anything more because he's a jerk who just wants to be a dolt.

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Hard to explain Putin's hatred of Obama and Hillary C., in that case.

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You have a real grasp of the male anatomy don't you? I bet you do.

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Now it's not making any sense.

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Uh, yeah, you're not a troll - why would anyone think you are for pointing out reality?

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Yeah, no, racist anti-American piece of shit; it's OK for black people to use that word, not white people, and since the N-word is just a derogatory slur for black people, there is no difference. Now go fuck yourself, you deplorable worthless pile of shit.

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I'm going fishing Saturday. I could use chum. Your welcome.

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How do you think they rig elections?

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That isn't what happened. Obama told McConnell, who said he would treat any counter action as a partisan attempt to assist Clinton.

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I like how the racist troll is refusing to capitalize the name of America's best President of the last fifty years to disrespect the man who hates for being black, even though he did such a great job. I guess he just hates America being strong a well-respected world leader, rather than an international pariah, utterly weak and a puppet of Russia?

Oh, and in his history the troll openly called Obama the N-word, so yeah he's fucking racist, and not trying to hide it on his comments elsewhere.

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We won't count your disposal receptacle among the inquiring minds which want to know (shades of the Enquirer, which sounds about right) This claim is either a figment of someone else's imagination, of which you are bereft, or a right wing shout out which too many supremacists listen to. It is obvious that you were obsessed with the color of Obama's skin.

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Same here. I hope he wins, but you know, another billionaire. Pritzker owns the dairy down the road from me. He owns most of the land in Lake County, I think.

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I wonder if instead of protesting Republicans in their homes and workplaces, we should be protesting at Democratic places so that they will feel more pressure to act. Maybe some Democrats are scared for their safety if they speak up. And maybe people are already protesting in this way, I don't know.

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