Warner is about as useful to the Democratic Party as the proverbial tits on a boar. As ranking Democrat on the Senate intelligence committee, his main function seems to be running interference for the Republican chairman, Richard Burr. While not lurking around in the bushes at the White House, Burr has been no more effective in investigating the Trump campaign than Nunes has been. At least Schiff is calling bullshit, Warner is swallowing it.

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Some degree of inebriation might have been to blame.

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"I also doubt anyone in the Legion regularly leaks meeting details to the press"

But the Riddler is constantly leaking to the Superfriends with cryptic clues to give away their plans, which Batman always manages to figure out no matter how much sense they don't make. Really I don't know why the never kicked his leaking ass out; he's got all the powers of an ordinary man, but is much easier to catch.

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I find the MSM unimpressive. They court controversy, and are way to willing to promote The Dotard, covering only him and ignoring the other real issues facing the country.

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The Guild of Calamitous Intent is a much better run organization. They aren't that good at their actual plans, but they have well defined rules and regulations, they even agree to ground rules with their enemies, and they are much less prone to nepotism (See Dr. Mrs. The Monarch, neé Dr. Girlfriend explaining to the Monarch that they can't raise his status until he rebuilds his henchmen and actually does something).

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Is this the story where the just hired canvassers? Like everyone does?

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These kind of Democrats cave, in an attempt to be " Moderate " , " New " , and " Working with Republicans". There reward ? Being called ," damned Liberals " , by their " real Conservative " enemies , and more often then not ,loosing anyway .

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People who post pictures of the thing that someone has just said scares them to death are sadists. Phobias are not funny. If you do this again, I will block you.

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That is the fundamental question that needs to be asked of every assertion made by this administration: Based on what?

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I'm with Galileo 100%. Having grown up Catholic, I had to read a lot of stories about the holy martyrs, and I particularly remember reading about Joan of Arc and thinking "I'd say whatever I needed to say to avoid being burned at the stake." This was not a debatable point for me even in elementary school. St. Cecilia particularly annoyed me ... she preferred to die of asphyxiation rather than marry a pagan Roman lord. I wanted to shout at her "Marry the guy, Cecilia, and then slowly poison him with arsenic when nobody is looking!!!" But N-O-O-O she had dedicated her virginity to Jesus, who as far as I could tell had no interest in it, being dead himself.

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I'm constantly equivocating on this one, too. I'm not sure there IS a good answer.

But dammit, it seems to me that the Dems are too hot on chasing "the middle" and not committed enough to engaging liberal-leaning folks who've stopped voting altogether. If we can convince some of those people to come back, we don't need so many of those fickle idiots in the middle.

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Nuff said!!

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Legion of Dumb?

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My gods, you Americans are SO fucked.

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As a youngster I was stung on the end of the nose by a hornet. All you would need to do now to get me to talk would be to say "Bzzzz."

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In 1938, Chamberlain was in a bit of a bind. If he'd said FU to Hitler, there would have been a good chance that the the Germans would have not only conquered Czechoslovakia, but Poland, the Low Countries, France, and England as well. While it may not have been Chamberlain's intention, England really did need that breathing space to get their war machine into gear.

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