So why did everybody buy it? I don't understand. He didn't even make his voice go up and down.

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She's quite a bit like Roy Moore's wife. He also wears an irrelevant large, large, cowboy hat.

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But his wife is a realtor!

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In my experience people who have been in the military - particularly combat - either talk about it all the time or never.

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Straight up fascism, plain and simple.

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Such a tough guy he is.

Hurry up and put your fists where your tweets are.

What's the matter? Afraid to follow up?

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What a pathetic loser. No one cares, David. That is all.

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It's called makin' whoopin' in Republican circles.

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Step 1: Get yourself a big ass cowboy hat.

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So, the question is: Will she risk her license to help hubby launder some ruples so they can continue to live the high life?

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Seems to me a certain President whose name rhymes with "Reagan" did that as well.

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Christmas is CANCELLED!

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Do chaps violate the Wonkette No Pants policy?

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Mine was worthless. He had absolutely no idea how to relate to anyone not naturally athletically inclined and did nothing to improve the skills of anyone in the class who wasn't a member of a school sports team.

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It probably had something to do with taking one look at that stupid hat.

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Forgive me if this is slightly off topic but... why do people who have the least reason to wear Stetsons or other broad brimmed hats always wear them indoors. I'm a large animal vet, I've worked with cowboys and ranchers and horse people, and yet no one wears their hat indoors. It stands against everything our mothers and families taught us, would be highly unsanitary and those things take up a heap of space. What purpose does it serve?

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