Interesting (if report holds) it has been reported that gay, married, billionaire Peter Thiel (who endorsed and spent approx $22 million in backing Vance and Masters in '22 primary) will be sitting out the 2024 election. Hmm, maybe he shouldn't have backed the party that would invalidate his marriage, then again he has multiple citizenships so fuck him.

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Yeah, take us back to 2017-2020 when the only things we read about daily were insane Trump Tweets, gaffs, scandals, firing cabinet members, and which autocratic enemy of democracy was Trump playing footsie with today. He ignored and made worse the pivotal first year of Covid until he thought the vaccine rollout could help get him re-elected. He insulted dying service members and their families. He embraced and emboldened white supremacists. He lied, and lied, and lied, and lied. He golfed. He attempted a coup, inspired an insurrection and co-conspired to steal the election with fake electors and flimsy lawsuits. He birthed The Big Lie that bilked Americans out of $250 million. He’s a stain, a vile human and danger to society. But yeah, let’s go back to that.

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Oh, the poor thing.

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if memory serves, the chicago way was sean connery dragging his dying body along the floor of a chicago 2 flat while ness tossed nitti into a car after de nero clubbed a sycophant with a (team unbranded) baseball bat.

which is a long way of saying 'jesus christ you fucking AZ creep'.

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He sounds nice. Completely divorced from reality, but nice.

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Glendale, Peoria, and Anthem are objectively the worst places in Arizona. And I say that as someone who has tried to find a place to use the bathroom on Hwy 93 northwest of Kingman. They so deserve each other.

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Did he play Gabe on "The Office"? That's what that picture's telling me.

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It's all they've got for a message, but it's all they need.

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Sad but true. Too many people want to pretend that the world that exists in their memories of being 6 is exactly how the world actually was.

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How fucked up that the preferred world of ones memories at six would be so hateful

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I think more ignorant than hateful. Hey remember when I didn't have to think about LGBTQ folks and BIPOC and anyone who didn't look like me because I was freaking six and had a six year old's natural narcissism? I sure do miss that world.

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This is more than "natural" narcissism

This is the much more virulent white supremacist brand


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True. I'm talking about the rank and file Rs who don't think too hard and keep voting based on tribalism and this vague sense that things were better "back then" because they are relying on childhood memories.

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And I'm talking about if those "childhood memories" are from the 1950s or earlier, the United States still contained codified Jim Crow, which Mary Trump has told us (those of us who didn't already know it) was and is a closed fascist state so complete that Hitler got his ideas from it and not the other way around, even as the U.S. went prancing around the rest of the world declaring itself the model of democracy in WW II.


The federal Civil and Voting Rights Acts that we know - which the #Fascist6 on SCOTUS are actively trying to dismantle as we speak - weren't even passed till after 1960.





I feel like we keep having bits and pieces of the same conversation over and over, where the gist of your observations is the tacit minimizing of the impact of American apartheid on its victims (however unconscious that thought process might be).

All the residual effects of that system -- redlining, housing discrimination, employment discrimination, violence against minorities in public spaces -- are not just still with us and are not just getting worse because there are some Confederates actively trying to turn back the clock as we speak, but also because "racism is over and if it's not it's not so bad because I and those close to me don't see it or feel its effects" minimizing types create the denial-based permission structure for them to continue to try (and also do nothing to stop them).

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That district must be a masterpiece of the gerrymanderwright’s art

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"Blake Masters is 37, so his idyllic childhood fantasy was set during the Clinton administration. He was 15 on 9/11..."

Then he rushed out and joined the Army as soon as he turned 18.

Wait, wut?

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Masters is a violent nut-case who should NEVER hold office. Which is why AZ's 8th District will pick him. Sun City West is almost all pissed off right-wing military retirees.

You know...morons.

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I’m a from Tucson. Most liberal place in Arizona I hope he moves.

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He's from Catalina Foothills, right?

Not actually Tucson.

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Still in Pima County. But yeah. Definitely not south side. There was a profile on him when he was running for senate. I’ll have to look it up but I thought his parents were democrats. Can’t recall now.

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Peter Thiel must have found some change in the couch cushions.

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Bend over and I'll secure Arizona’s water future for you. Try not living in a desert.

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Creepy mofo looks like an off-brand Jared Kushner.

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OT: A female IDF soldier taken prisoner by Hamas has been released. Medicos have declared her to be in good condition and that she has been reunited with her family.

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