Yeah that's what the Left loves to say so they can demonize the ACA as a betrayal of their alleged principles. But the devil is in the details, and the ACA does a ton of stuff that Republicans hate, such as capping profits and subsidizing low-income policy holders. A human, a bear, and a gorilla are all very similar too, if you resolve to ignore the details that set them apart.

The big problem with the ACA, for those who want to replace it, is that it actually does its job well, much better than people on the Left or Right want to admit. Yes it's still costly, but that has everything to do with our very very for-profit medical providers turning in bills that are 50% more than in Canada and 100% more than in Europe. Even single payer runs into huge cost problems, such as when it failed in Vermont just months before Bernie hit the campaign trail (funny how he never mentioned that). If we're going to do anything at this point, it needs to be regulating doctors, hospitals, and pharmaceutical companies directly so we can bring their prices down.

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I think the Left wanted very much to believe there was such a thing as a good Republican, and McCain looked like he might be that elusive animal. But nope, he was simply somehow even more shameless than the other Republicans, who had not a particle of shame between the lot of them.

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(a) McCain is retiring at the end of this term if not sooner. (b) He's never been a maverick as just reckless and erratic. There ain't never been much consistency there. Never liked McCain. The smug asshole.

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it’s a mistake, but it doesn’t mean I wouldn’t vote for it,” McCain said

There's your epitaph and your legacy.

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Best case scenario is that McCain had so much fun crushing the Tangerine Cacadoodle's hopes that he's trying to set up one more vote. so he can give it another thumbs down. That ain't likely, I know, but otherwise it would mean that John McCain has actually rethought his vote, Not only decide he chose wrong, but chose wrong enough to spend considerable of his possibly dwindling time on earth attempting to recall that vote,

If the latter is true, by law, there is no comment I can honestly make. Because if I were to release my true sentiments about that on this -- or indeed, any other -- forum, it would harelip everybody on Bear Creek.*

* That's US Atomic Energy Commission terminology.

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for...*a drunkards dream if i ever did see one?

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in a (wal)nuts-shell

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"Lee Atwater was a weakling!!"

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Let's hear it for the ladies, Lisa and Susan, but they'll need someone else as well. Maybe Shelley Capito for the vagina trifecta?

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"But she's a warmonger," screeched the assholes as mushroom clouds rose above the California coast.

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Kelli "chemtrails" already told him to piss off to the cemetery.

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BTW, John ... we're all still watching the show, you prick.

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And then cut their salaries to about $14,000 a year.

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^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^THIS RIGHT FUCKING HERE, MEIN FROINDS!


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Always try to fly in Nately's plane.He knew the way out of the war and kept extra an extra parachute when Milo traded off all the Mae wests for a sweet deal on some Egyptian cotton.Nately kneew how to get out of it.

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