Eeewwwww...from Mick Jagger to Rupert Murdoch. Yuck.

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Apparently Mick Jagger is furious that Jerry Hall dragged that low class fuckstick into his life, and he now has to see him at family functions.

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George W. Bush could have come to my neighbor's house, and raped his wife, and he still would have thought he was swell. That's how dumb this guy is.

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Telling the plebs what is actually happening, or reporting the "truth", is just so passe in America. Can't we move into the era of alternative facts with a little more grace and style?

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But cis gay men are pressured to transition to be "right."

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Loose straps mean flappin' titties.Oh god the stuff that rattles around my brain.

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Thanks. I'll try again next year. I looked at a lot of programs and this one really ticks all the boxes. It'll be fine. As I always say when I don't buy some tchotchke that I don't need, "well, I've lived without it this long"

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Sad, but true.

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The tacky Generalissimo Trump thing at the top kinda gives me the willies...

Not sure why. Possibly the thought it's barely satire. Possibly the thought that seeing it it would give him ideas, as if he didn't have them already. Possibly just the kinda awful thought of his portrait actually eventually hanging in the White House, whether it winds up looking a bit like that or not...

Possibly just the impression I get that he and any number of his supporters, in looking at it, would get erections.

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It's really normal on GCC flights to see a chap in a thobe with a falcon. Loads of my kids have them as pets/hobbies. They bring them to school on national and international day. One boy told me last year that he had the 4th fastest falcon and showed me the photos of him receiving his giant cheque - he got more than my monthly salary. For being 4th. The first prize was about a quarter of a million dollars.

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Indeed. After all, even a broken clock is wrong 1,438 times a day!

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Ed Wood libelz!

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Humorous, but needz moar class war.

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