Best post title EVAR. Really, it's a masterpiece.

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had that feeling for quite awhile myself...it all could have been avoided...but-but her emailsvaginaghazi

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you are asking questions unanswerable, grass-hoppa

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So when will congressional Republicans be signing up this "healthcare" plan? Oh, never? They will continue to get soshalized healthcare? Cruel and stupid.

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Yes, because the opinion that Hillary is worse.

And opinions of gross, old white people matter.

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And oddly enough, I found a Korean-Mexican restaurant, but that's more of a lunch/dinner hipster scene...


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The ER will send you a bill. You don't oay it. Next they sell your overdue acct. to a collection agency. The agency will hassle thru mail &/or phone. If you have property, the agency will go to court for a lien or garnishment. At the same time your debt goes on your credit report (try to get a loan then).

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Yeah but the sanctimonious self satisfaction from all those stupid dumb preppers saying "I told you so" would kill you even faster. Who wants to eat Jim Bakker's slop in a bucket in your family bunker for two years.

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The answer to the real question is largely unknowable, tho I strongly suspect Faux News & talk radio are part of it. However, the first part is depressingly easy: the poors are Other People. Other People who Won't Work and lay around all day chatting on their latest-model Obama iPhones, watching free cable on stolen giant flatscreens, and eating foodstamp steaks; all of which were paid for on THEIR dime while they cant afford any of those things. Oh, and Other People are also a different color, which makes this all even more way true. After all, some other aggrieved White Man told them so.

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Having your brother-in-law invite his sister and you to travel with him to his son's lacrosse game, and he pays for your hotel room and your dinner so that the two of you don't have to pack sandwiches and water and sleep in your car, or meeting up with your sister-in-law and her large family during their vacation, and she rents a cottage for the two of you to stay in during your visit. All without saying a word to either of you because they know what your situation is and they don't want to embarrass you. Yeah, been there.

I gotta tell ya, it's weird when both of you are:a. the oldest of each of your sets of siblings,b. the first ones in each of your families to earn college degrees,c. while ultimately obtaining the most advanced educations of all,d. and then subsequently working for longer than of your brothers or sisters, yet still beinge. by far the poorest and "least successful" of all the siblings in each of your families.

(Your younger siblings don't just earn a little more than you do, they earn 2x to 4x your salaries. No exaggeration. They are monitoring their investment portfolios while you and your wife are reaching retirement age having never in your entire careers had more than two nickels to rub together at the end of each month. Funny how things turned out over the years.)

Another social worker

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Sounds similar! I am the oldest, my brother is a HS drop out and makes up to 7 figures a year. He is a tile contractor and only does high end remodels now. He would never in a million years offer to pay for us to join him on vacation! Instead, he brags about getting a "great deal" on the last resort they stayed at and "only" paying $200 a night for the room. If I say, "must be nice," he tells me I should just work harder at getting my practice going or pick up more side work. I am working up to 7 days a week now with my two per diem jobs, and still barely making ends meet. He tells me he was willing to hustle and find work, so I should do that more. That is really not ethical for a therapist to do; I cannot just walk up to random wealthy people, offer to show a portfolio of my work then bid on the work to provide awsome therapy for them that will make them feel happier and solve conflicts in relationships more effectively.

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Precisely why the nastiness continues

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It's a good thing I wasn't in the room when Spicer uttered that execrable horse shit.

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Because if you are a good Christian, Jesus either cures your free of charge, or blesses you with enough money to pay for the treatment you need. Dependence on government is per se evidence of a sinful life, since communists are atheists.

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So, let's see. The grifters using the repeal just to cover their tax cuts had their shot, and failed. Now we get the sociopaths who only really care about harming the most people the most deeply presenting their "plan?" Christ.

Y'know, all these Leopard Eating Your Face voters need to see that it ain't just Trump who is out to eat their face. Of course it's kind of hard to see when your face is all eaten off.

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Just got off the phone with my congressman's office who's intern had no idea about this bill. "it hasn't come up" After my stunned silence I encouraged the congressman not to be a dumbass.

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