I've said this before, but Todd can be best understood by his interview with then President Obama. Todd tore into him like a crazed Doberman, demanding he explain how he wrecked the country and betrayed the people. But put a Republican in front of him and all you get is "That's an interesting point of view".

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He's worth it and I am a trained professional. (I learned prep shaving for surgery in my training.)

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Stupid, sanctimoniuousfuckhole with a comb over is no way to go through life.

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What these idiots forgot to add was, "And all these new life saving techniques will be much harder to acquire when in the penal health care system, because they are now in prison for 20 to life for "first degree murder" trying to abort a fetus.

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I doubt we'll successfully impeach him this time, as multiple senators have stated their intention to dismiss the charges as quickly as possible should they come to the Senate. So unless Trump is re-elected and the Senate ends up with a supermajority of Democrats, not going to happen, despite "we the people" thinking it needs to.

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Chuck Todd reminds me of the cashier at the grocery store one time. A customer was spacing out ALL his items so I wouldn't have a spot on the conveyor belt to put stuff on. I mean he gave his fucking air filter for his AC a half foot of belt space. I just scooted up the bar and put stuff down. He freaked out, and then asked if we wanted to go out for a fight. I told him to fuck off while his OWN WIFE was telling him to knock it the fuck off. The bitch at the register: "Don't swear"I said, "Did you not hear him threatening physical violence over 6 inches of "safety space" for a fucking air filter?" She just said, "I didn't hear that". I just said "Of course you didn't".

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Referring to Chunk Toad as a 'pundit' is too kind. He is a bloviator.

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What's an inch?

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On both sides of the transmission.

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The media did the same thing against Hillary in 2016. They kept repeating the lies from the GOP (and from some progressives), that her entire platform consisted of being a woman and not Trump. While in fact, she had dozens of policies listed on her web site. Unfortunately, the media never bothered to look at any of them, and if Hillary started discussing them, switched to another topic, considering retraining laid off workers in coal industries and developing green energy manufacturing jobs for them a boring topic. Something the media said was brave, exciting and original when AOC talked about it three years later.

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Oh my fucking God! What the hell happened to Chuck Todd. Did he get hit in the face with a truck and went to a plastic surgeon from Trump University followed by a session in the chair at Ms. Ivanka's House of Heir.

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Yes, there was a time when to be a pundit required knowledge, experience, superior language skills and perhaps a soupçon of wit. Today's lot can only manage the latter. Well, half of the latter.

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So true. She'd eat their lunch every time.

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Bickus Dickus?

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Why would you mock Cuck Toads looks? He has the perfect face.FOR ME TO POOP ON!

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Ew, what's with his crotch beard?

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