it's cause 25-54 yr old democrats get their news from cnn, msnbc, the inter web, the Facebook, podcasts, the daily show, etc. so they split the ratings between all of those. 25-54 yr old republicans only watch fox news. just remember, there's at least 3 million more of us than there are of them.

oh and because 25-54 yr old white people sitting at home with no jobs (which is clearly the fault of messicans) watch fox news all day

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"He's SMRT" Well, yes, posing the smartest guy in the room is a standard grifter MO.

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Ok, it is depressing that this Hill headline is a thing that is normal these days."State Dept: Tillerson did not call Trump 'moron' "

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Calling Trump a "moron" is becoming what's known in the trade as a "dog bites man" story -- not worth a paragraph buried in the metro section.

"Man bites dog," though, will always be front page news. In other news, Generalissimo Francisco Franco is still dead.

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Well the answer was usually fucking, but they used all the proper euphemisms like "making whoopie".

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Calling Trump a "moron" is like pointing out that Puerto Rico is an island, surrounded by water.

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Not even Wheatley was as dumb as the Fanta Fuhrer.

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"Stupid Rex Tillerson, who I don't know, called me "a moran". I'm not a moran, believe me!" #DeletedTrumpTweets

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Soon on NBC

Tapper: For MORE ON Trump we cross to Katy Tur

Tur: We have seen a FAR KING DOTE HARD with Trump…’s meeting with Thai leaders

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Well, yes, there is THAT.

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You misspelled "month," Evan.

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If he thinks he wants the job after his three predecessors get removed, he should have his head examined. Consider what that says about the political climate, Rexxy.

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The American people need effing answers.FTFY.

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You misspelled "Halloween"

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Come on now, the Thai King isn't a far King....

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Trump does like people who dote hard, though.

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