RFK Jr. Gets VERY ANGRY! When You Remind Him Of Every Wackjob Thing He's Ever Said
Do it more.
Independent presidential candidate, Kennedy family reject, and bona fide wackjob Robert F. Kennedy Jr. hates getting called on his delusional, deranged, bugfuck shit. His sideways face and unnaturally dead eyes scrunch up and seethe and rage. He gets so mad. It is hilarious.
Here’s a clip that’s getting a lot of attention, via Democratic strategist Keith Edwards.
In that clip, NewsNation host Chris Cuomo — yeah, yeah, we know — confronts Kennedy on his history of batshit 9/11 trutherism, his “just asking questions” about what really happened. Kennedy never knows what you’re talking about when you refer to his past craziness. He lies to Cuomo, saying he’s never voiced a conspiracy theory about 9/11. The clip ends with the receipts, the audio of Kennedy in the exact interview Cuomo was referencing, babbling his “just asking questions” about why Building Seven fell.
This is how he is. He’s a liar, a jackass, and a shame to his name. (Lord, nobody would even know who he was if he wasn’t nepo-baby-ing off that name. Can you imagine? He’d be a guy standing on a street corner wearing socks on his ears with a sign warning people about ghosts in their underpants or something.)
In the same interview with Cuomo, Kennedy got pissy because he supposedly got unfairly misquoted/taken out of context for something he said to CNN’s Erin Burnett about Joe Biden being a worse threat to democracy than Donald Trump. Here are his words to Burnett, as quoted by Joan Walsh in The Nation:
“Listen, I make the argument that President Biden is a much worse threat to democracy.” […]
“President Biden is the first candidate and the first president in history has used the federal agencies to censor political speech or censor his opponents. You know, I can say that because … 37 hours after he took the oath of office, he was censoring me.” He continued: “The greatest threat to democracy is not somebody who questions election returns.”
How, praytell, did Kennedy get taken out of context there? Did the media neglect to mention Kennedy setting up the bit, saying something like, “OK, here is my impression of a brain that has hemorrhoids”? And then he said the thing about Joe Biden?
(Walsh explains just what exactly Kennedy is whining about when he says Biden “censored” him: “[A] couple of his public health officials e-mailed Twitter and Facebook to complain he was spreading falsehoods” about COVID vaccines.)
Here’s Kennedy clarifying to Cuomo what he really meant, if everybody wasn’t so busy misquoting what he said to Erin Burnett:
“I think we’re all being told each one is a threat, because it’s a way of using fear, to force us into a binary choice, where we have to vote for the lesser of two evils.” Kennedy said on “Cuomo.” “It keeps the public from considering people like me.”
Yeah, buddy, there’s a lot keeping the public from considering people like Kennedy. We reckon a lot of it goes back to what our parents taught us about not getting in cars with strange men.
He further whined to Cuomo, “They cut my quote. So it looked like I was making this definitive statement that Biden was more of a threat to democracy than Trump. I never said that.”
Again, we ask, did he preface the original quote by saying, “If I said the following, you should admit me to a hospital”? We think not.
It’s well-documented that Kennedy believes literally insane shit. He gets pissy when you call him anti-vax, but he’s one of the most consistently anti-vax freaks in the country. Here’s a clip of him saying Bill Gates is putting the 5G in our brains so he can control our bank accounts and our lives and saying “vaccine passports” will make you “a slave.” About vaccine mandates, he once said they were worse than the Holocaust, because “Even in Hitler’s Germany, you could you could cross the Alps to Switzerland. You could hide in an attic like Anne Frank did.”
But when he’s confronted on these things, he just never seems to remember them, which is why it’s incumbent on every person who talks to the clownfucking freak to be armed with audio and video clips and quotes that debunk his denials.
Burnett did this, as Joan Walsh points out, by citing Kennedy’s words to NBC News in 2000, about how Ralph Nader was just a spoiler. “There’s a political reality here, which is that his candidacy could draw enough votes in certain key states from Al Gore to give the entire election to George W Bush,” said Kennedy, whose brain was apparently in better shape 24 years ago.
Kennedy had further written in a New York Times op-ed that year that “Mr. Nader’s candidacy could siphon votes from Al Gore, the environment’s most visible champion since Theodore Roosevelt, and lead to the election of George W. Bush,” and that “his suggestion that there is no difference between Mr. Gore and Mr. Bush is irresponsible.”
That’s how Burnett got that fucking insane quote from Kennedy about Joe Biden being a greater threat to democracy, the one he is now bitching that people are misunderstanding. She confronted him on his past words, and in this case said hey wait, isn’t that what you’re doing right now?
That’s how you do it. It makes him so very angry, but that’s just part of the fun.
[The Nation / NewsNation]
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OT: I worked our primary election here in NY State yesterday. My republican colleagues seem to be unhappy with 'both candidates'. "Aren't there better choices?"
Yes, but you didn't make them.
Well, if you're going to make fun of those who warn us about underpants ghosts, then clearly Wonket is in the pocket of Big Phantasm. Just like the rest of the fleshstream media.