I call him Bob Junior

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He has lost all credibility with his family…and they would know what a whack job he is…

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Great, yet another mentally disturbed candidate in the mix. MAGA would be a good fit for him.

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Does anybody else notice that RFKJr is staring to look a lot like is dad's sworn enemy, J. Edgar Hoover?

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Another idiot. I see why the Kennedy family has disowned him. His previous drug use and head trauma have really made him into a nutcase.

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Yeah fine, this guy is nuts. But you will NEVER convince me that the collapse of WTC 7 was anything other than a controlled demolition. I don't know who did it or why. That's not the point. The point is, it's extremely important to my mental health to be able to watch this video and stay true to what my eyes are telling me instead of being badgered into believing something I know isn't true. Fire and debris did not cause this. Steel buildings simply do not melt like snowflakes in the sky and collapse neatly into their own footprint unless they are brought down professionally, and that is what happened here. End of story.https://youtu.be/7ZiMG84hws0?si=-QgMTZ0ZNpCPdszv

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his jacket fits quite well though, despite his unnaturally thick neck

some things money can buy

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What "forces us into a binary choice" is our reluctance to move to ranked-choice voting, which makes it ridiculously hard for even sane third-party candidates to compete on a national scale. The closest I can come is voting for the most progressive Democrat in the Texas primary, and after they lose, voting for the non-fascist Democrat in the general election. In California, I can do that in the general election.

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Jr and GOPerverts are ALL tarts .

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Hey! Tart libellz! (Am making apple tarts for the freezer). :)

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Look at that face on RFK Jr. What a sad, small man. Now think for a moment about JFKs “ask not” speech, or RFK senior fighting for migrant workers rights to be paid and treated fairly. JFK and RFK were both human, and they were imperfect. But they both were capable of great things, and inspired people. RFK Jr., is sulking and enraged about having to defend his own past statements. The only path to any form of redemption for him is to cease his campaign, give a full-throated endorsement of Joe Biden and start using his Kennedy name to prevent Donald Trump from getting anywhere near the White House again.

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I wish we could post images here. Just about any of the comics captioned with "Christ, what an asshole."

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He looks like his face is sliding off like that criminal in Robocop doused in toxic waste. It's so awesome

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That is so spot-on

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Am not sure how much of that face is a direct result of his medical/physical handicaps, and what proportion of it is simply the result of being a jerkwad. If it's Thing The First, well, he can't help it. But he COULD help/avoid being a horse's ass, and doesn't, sooooo.....:/

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What handicaps? Do tell.

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He's been suffering from a chronic medical condition for a number of years now; it's not Parkinsons but it presents some of the same issues, I believe . Part of the demonstrated effect on RFK jr is 'dysphnia", meaning his vocal apparatus is partially paralyzed and it makes him struggle to speak. Not certain what other manifestations he has or what they may signify, 'nor how complex the whole thing is. BUT: TBF, it looks like it's kinda paralyzed his ability to reason well, much less assume responsibility for his abominable political idiocy. In one way I feel sorry for him, bc of course it has to be extremely difficult to cope w/what he must struggle with every day;

OTOH, he went full Blithering Anti-science some time ago, so. :? He needs to just hush up .

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Thank you for this. I am really not wanting to pile onto the disabled, ever. I will say that RFK jr's outlandish nonsense and his delivery of said nonsense causes me to suffer from dysphincteria, which causes me to CLENCH 😅

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I'm not dumping on him because he's disabled. God knows I'm disabled as hell. I'm dumping on him because he's him.

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That irate sideways-face picture is just so... droll.

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He is a horse’s ass.. A truly disgusting person. His father would be ashamed.

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“I never said that! But if I did you’d be taking me completely out of context and cutting me off before I get to the part where I say ‘just kidding’!”

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That’s kind of Trumpy innit?

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::shudder:: His entire recent ancestry would kick him in the dick. If they could bear to get that close.

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Not to mention HIS ANTI-VAX rhetoric leading to an outbreak the once eradicated measles 🕳

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