RFK Jr. Supporters Bolster His Nomination With Letter Signed By Crackpots And Quacks
Who's ready to make measles great again?
Oh boy, Senator Mike Crapo (yes, that’s his real name) says the Senate Finance Committee is going to vote today on if they want to advance the guy who ran over Gentle Ben and put baby birds in a blender to be head of the Department of Health and Human Services. If you were planning to call your senator and tell them VOTE HELL FUCKING NO ON OLD WHALE JUICE, now would be a good time to remind them not to vote for that fucko if he makes it!
You know, whatsis name, the one who is not a doctor or administrator and whose experience with medicine includes crediting heroin for helping him with his school work? The guy who only had to act normal for his confirmation for like two hours but still couldn’t do it? The one who seemed deeply confused at his hearing about what his job would actually be?
Anyway, you will be SHOCKETY SHOCKED to learn that a letter sent via “MAHA Action” from a group calling itself “Doctors for Robert F. Kennedy” was actually signed by a whole lot of people who are not doctors, even though the letter starts with “We, the undersigned physicians.” And of the undersigned who were doctors, there’s a bunch who have had their licenses revoked or suspended or faced other discipline for bad doctoring of the quack-medicine kind.
There’s about 20 chiropractors, who are not medical doctors, and who’d donated to Kennedy’s anti-vaccine nonprofit “Children’s Health Defense.” There’s random people who don’t work in medicine at all — a firefighter, an accountant, and somebody with a bachelor’s degree “with an emphasis on Jungian Psychology.”
Of the doctors, it sure says a lot about RFK Jr. that these are the ones endorsing him. There’s Paul Thomas of Oregon, who surrendered his license in 2022 after being emergency suspended in 2020 for “gross negligence,” for pushing a “Dr. Paul approved” vaccine schedule that he claimed would prevent autism, and discouraging parents from vaccinating their children. From the complaint:
Patient A’s mother requested polio and rotavirus vaccinations for Patient A according to CDC Recommendations, but Licensee did not have those vaccines in the clinic, and Patient A would therefore not be able to get them. Patient A’s mother reported that the Licensee questioned why she wanted Patient A to get the polio vaccine and asked whether they were traveling to Africa. During the appointment, Licensee continually connected vaccines (not specific) with autism. Licensee asked her how awful she would feel if Patient A got autism and she could have prevented it.
Thomas was also involved with Kennedy’s “natural experiment” of shit-talking vaccines to Samoan officials and convincing them not to vaccinate babies against measles, leading to an outbreak that killed 83 babies and children.
There’s anti-vaxxer Dr. Simone Gold, founder of America's Frontline Doctors, who was reprimanded by the California Medical Board after she got a 60-day sentence and $9,500 fine for storming the Capitol on January 6. Remember America's Frontline Doctors? They were leading pushers/grifters of horse paste and hydroxychloroquine over Zoom during the pandemic. Remember when they made a bizarre, cringe-inducing music video featuring the song “We Are The World”?
There’s more! Meryl Nass, another anti-vaxxer whose license was suspended in Maine for prescribing horse paste; RFK Jr.’s Children’s Health Defense group paid her legal fees. Also Kenneth Stoller, whose license was revoked after he pushed autism theories and recommended hyperbaric oxygen to “cure” autism. (How do they come up with this shit?) There’s Steven Arthur LaTulippe, who got his license revoked “for refusing to follow COVID-19 guidelines in his office, spreading misinformation about masks and over-prescribing opioids.”
And Robert Sears, whose license was put on probation after he wrote a doctor’s note for a 2-year-old boy exempting him from childhood vaccinations. OMG, I READ HIS BOOK and TOOK IT SERIOUSLY at the time. Thousands of people did, and it is still for sale! His parents William (“Dr. Bill”) and Martha built a credible book-series franchise endorsing attachment parenting, co-sleeping and baby-wearing. But, turns out that Bill and Martha’s son Robert (“Dr. Bob”) is a nut, even though his books are in the same series and look just like his parents’ books. His idea to “slow down the vaccination schedule” seemed like a reasonable opinion at the time. Fortunately I had a pediatrician that I trusted who was not a nut, and was like, “well, y’know, the CDC recommends this schedule for a reason. And, who is that guy? I think I’d trust the CDC over some guy who just happened to write a book.” And my Dr. Ralph was right, because one of Dr. Bob’s intentionally under-vaccinated patients later went on to cause a measles outbreak in San Diego.
And now the guy in charge of the CDC could be not just some guy, but a dog-eating whale-chopping complete dingbat. Even if Brainworms never sets one foot in the office and just moans at the staff on Zoom from his Malibu estate, how could anybody trust anything coming out of the CDC ever again? How could that kind damage to its credibility ever get fixed?
And that seems to be the point, for MAGAs who want to turn the country into rubble over a plague-death graveyard because they think they will win some game of survival-of-the-fittest and profit from building on top of the ashes.
Oh, and Kennedy Jr. also lied in his hearing that he got no compensation for licensing his “MAHA” trademark, he actually put in his public disclosure that he got $100,000 in licensing fees from some guy named Jeff Hayes. Which should be disqualifying just by itself, but here we are.
Republican Senator Bill Cassidy of Louisiana, who is a doctor, is reportedly considering voting no, so maybe there’s some hope we don’t get this crackpot sex pest. Even Mitch McConnell, polio survivor, was like, HMM, DUNNO. Maybe it will occur to senators that they do not want to get the measles or the bird flu either.
One can hope. Still, call your senator, call them all! Vaccinate on schedule, while you still can! And if you think you might want some CDC data to do research with, better download it now, because wherever the Department of HHS is headed is nowhere good. Stock up on masks, too, why not?
Total honesty, while all the cabinet nominees are dog shit, the two that scare me the most are RFK because he will kill people with his crazy pants bullshit, and K$H money because he can go full gestapo on, well, pretty much anyone. I'd prefer Tulsi not give all of our state secrests to Vlad, but it isn't as if Dick l'Orange won't do it as well.
As for Elmo and the 1488th Reactionary Cyber Brigade, that's a whole other level of Chef Boyarewefucked
I shouted out, "Who confirms this Kennedy?"
When after all, it should never be.