I was set aside for a bit over the "OMG- a Kenndy is running for the Democratic Nomination and Old Joe Biden is just to old to compete with that! Charisma- RFK
( His Whole Name is already famous.) Is so well spoken and he reaches across aisles. He has dogs!And they obey him !
( Not like old Joe Biden's dog who bites people and poops on the floor!)
Then I saw him speak and discovered he's like Rand Paul without all the personal magnetism.
Fuck the press. Jesus.
I'm glad I'm here in the Heartland and I'm probably never going to run into anybody who works for
Or Politico because I would probably get in trouble when I went all Michigan Republican on their stupid ass.
And he totally has the evidence for his statement "...that the U.S. and other governments are developing ethnically targeted bioweapons..." See, in argumentation you have a premise that both parties must accept in order to proceed with the debate and JFuckingKJR just plopped a hot steamy one down without citing any proof of its truth. Let's start there, you lying POS.
I suppose if you came from the Caucasus Mountains you could be labeled that way. And, in fact, the reason this actually became a label is because the slightly lighter skin people who conquered what we now know as India and who instituted the caste system there based on skin color were from the Caucasus Mountains.
Apparently, growing up in a wealthy ( extra weath from bootlegging during Prohibition, who am I to judge) political family, which was steeped in Catholicism, and your dad was assassinated, does not end up with a legislator of reasonable views.
So,I tried to comment on the RoJo article, but couldn't unless a paid subscriber. What's up with that? Full access to some but not others? I'll donate here and there, but no more monthly bills please, and thank you very much.
It really stops at the Finn-Russo border? Scary
Those Finnish snipers are REALLY good!
Funny his CYA statement includes Finn’s, his original only had Jews and Chinese.
I was set aside for a bit over the "OMG- a Kenndy is running for the Democratic Nomination and Old Joe Biden is just to old to compete with that! Charisma- RFK
( His Whole Name is already famous.) Is so well spoken and he reaches across aisles. He has dogs!And they obey him !
( Not like old Joe Biden's dog who bites people and poops on the floor!)
Then I saw him speak and discovered he's like Rand Paul without all the personal magnetism.
Fuck the press. Jesus.
I'm glad I'm here in the Heartland and I'm probably never going to run into anybody who works for
Or Politico because I would probably get in trouble when I went all Michigan Republican on their stupid ass.
Yes, COVID-19 targets a certain population. people who are too stupid to follow risk mitigation protocols
And he totally has the evidence for his statement "...that the U.S. and other governments are developing ethnically targeted bioweapons..." See, in argumentation you have a premise that both parties must accept in order to proceed with the debate and JFuckingKJR just plopped a hot steamy one down without citing any proof of its truth. Let's start there, you lying POS.
What about the Sephardic Jews?
Really? Ashkenazi Jews aren't affected by COVID? Counterpoint: that superspreader wedding in NYC.
What's really impressive is that scientists now know which are the Jew-specific furin cleavages.
I have loved the Wonkette for years. This change is making me think. Change is hard people! Help me learn new things.
Agreed. I had to get a whole new user icon and everything. Things are in weird places. The font is different . . . sigh.
Thinking is good.
Sometimes, though. I can't stop.
Don't we also know there is not really any such thing as a "Caucasian" in any kind of anatomical/physiological sense?
Sadly, many don't
I suppose if you came from the Caucasus Mountains you could be labeled that way. And, in fact, the reason this actually became a label is because the slightly lighter skin people who conquered what we now know as India and who instituted the caste system there based on skin color were from the Caucasus Mountains.
Those would be the genuine Aryans.
I knew the fucking Finns were involved somehow.
I would have bet a fiver on it.
Apparently, growing up in a wealthy ( extra weath from bootlegging during Prohibition, who am I to judge) political family, which was steeped in Catholicism, and your dad was assassinated, does not end up with a legislator of reasonable views.
Yes she is!
Hello? Testing?
Replies seem to show up after a short delay.
Coming thru 5 x 5.
Coming thru 5 x 5.
Got my 524 hummin'!
So,I tried to comment on the RoJo article, but couldn't unless a paid subscriber. What's up with that? Full access to some but not others? I'll donate here and there, but no more monthly bills please, and thank you very much.
I did nazi that coming.