RFK Jr. Leaning Even Harder Into The Anti-Semitic Conspiracy Theories
Cheryl Hines, time to divorce your husband.
You know what would make for a very unsettling last season of Curb Your Enthusiasm? Cheryl marries a full-on anti-Semite, who also happens to be a Kennedy who is running for president. I mean, I can see how Larry David might be able to make it work, because he’s Larry David, but in real life it’s really, really not funny at all.
“Presidential candidate” Robert F. Kennedy Jr. — who publicly shared that he offered to pretend to separate from wife Cheryl Hines the last time he made a creepy anti-Semitic comment, in order to “protect” her — held a press dinner on Tuesday night that involved not just the “polemic farting” reported by Page Six (and Wonkette!) earlier this week, but also more deeply offensive and bizarre anti-Semitic comments from RFK Jr.
Perhaps Cheryl may want to reconsider that offer!
“COVID-19. There is an argument that it is ethnically targeted. COVID-19 attacks certain races disproportionately,” he said at the dinner.
No, there isn’t. I mean, sure, there is in the way that there’s an “argument” for everything, but it’s not an argument that anyone normal or well-informed is having. It’s an argument in the way that “the middle ages never happened!” is an argument.
COVID-19 can’t be “ethnically targeted” because it is not a bio-weapon. There are certainly genetic factors that make certain illnesses or diseases or viruses more prevalent in some ethnic groups than others, but it doesn’t mean they are targeted bioweapons.
“COVID-19 is targeted to attack Caucasians and Black people,” he continued. “The people who are most immune are Ashkenazi Jews and Chinese.”
Is it that the Chinese are more immune, or could it have been a combination of more drastic lockdown initiatives in the beginning or the Chinese government underreporting COVID-related deaths?
As far as Jewish people are concerned, studies showed that American Jews were actually more likely than other populations to get COVID.
After the story was initially reported by the New York Post, Kennedy took to Twitter to claim that he totally didn’t mean for his comments to be seen as anti-Semitic or Sinophobic, or taken to mean that he thought that COVID-19 was a bioweapon targeting everyone but Chinese Jews, just that he read a thing saying they were less likely to be affected and that this simply serves as a “proof of concept for ethnically targeted bioweapons.”
The @nypost story is mistaken. I have never, ever suggested that the COVID-19 virus was targeted to spare Jews. I accurately pointed out — during an off-the-record conversation — that the U.S. and other governments are developing ethnically targeted bioweapons and that a 2021 study of the COVID-19 virus shows that COVID-19 appears to disproportionately affect certain races since the furin cleave docking site is most compatible with Blacks and Caucasians and least compatible with ethnic Chinese, Finns, and Ashkenazi Jews. In that sense, it serves as a kind of proof of concept for ethnically targeted bioweapons. I do not believe and never implied that the ethnic effect was deliberately engineered. That study is here: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32664879/
Except we already know that there are diseases and conditions and even viruses that are more or even exclusively prevalent in different ethnic populations. That is common knowledge. Given his beliefs about COVID-19 and vaccines and other statements he has made, it’s fairly clear where he was going with this.
This is the thing with conspiracy theories. This is the direction they all go in the end. People think that they’re not being anti-Semitic, that they’re just doubling down super hard because it’s hard to convince people of things that are ridiculous and untrue, but somehow it always leads to them saying some obviously anti-Semitic nonsense. Given the “there are no coincidences!” spirit of so much conspiratorial thinking, you’d think they’d consider that it’s not a “coincidence” that they always seem to end up landing on “the Jews.”
It really stops at the Finn-Russo border? Scary
Funny his CYA statement includes Finn’s, his original only had Jews and Chinese.