Makin' copies...sooo funny lol

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That was awesome! Vid is lit!

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I think we all know the answer to the question: Do you think Tim Walz remembers his kids' birthdays?

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I’ve always liked Elle. When I first heard she was Schneider’s daughter I was like no fuckin way. I’ve always kind of despised him. I’m sorry she had such a douche for a dad, but she seems to have turned out pretty well anyway.

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Saw a clip where the interviewer talked to straight families at a theme park. He asked both parents a series of questions about the kids, that would be vital in an emergency.

What was their full birthdate? Name of their school or daycare? Name of teacher? Good friends? Did they have any allergies or medical conditions? Were their vaccinations up to date?

Guess which parent answered without hesitation, and which stumbled and fumbled their way through a series of wrong answers?

A man who *forgets his own child's birthday* is a loser for the ages.

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Rob Schneider is half Filipino. Is that relevant? No.

Eugene Cordero (a Filipino-American, you might recognize him from "The Good Place" where he played a Florida dirtbag) told me that trivia when we were trying to come up with famous Filipino actors.

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I had no idea she was Rob Schneider’s kid! 🤯

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It’s always cool when gifted people shine after such toxic parenting. Elle King ROCKS!

Many thanks, Robyn! 😊👏👏

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Fred Garvin, Male Prostitute > Deuce Bigalow

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Love that song! Can’t even listen to it or it’ll be going in my head for a week. Trying not to think about it right now!

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One time, I saw post on Twitter by Rob Schneider saying climate change wasn’t real. So I replied “The scientific consensus is climate change is real, but some random dude on the internet disagrees.”

That unleashed a torrent of angry replies, like “That’s not some random dude in the internet, that’s ROB SCHNEIDER” and “Do you even know who you’re talking to ? This is ROB SCHNEIDER!!”

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The guy who played The Copy Guy, that’s who!

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And your degree is in what?

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Projecting big "don't you know who I am?" energy.

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So the height of Schneider's career was getting beaten up by Granny Clampett in the Beverly Hillbillies movie.

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If you don't want your kids to talk shit about you when they grow up, don't treat them like shit while they grow up.

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Jeez, just when you think he can’t be worse….

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Ta, Robyn. This is the first time I've heard of Elle King. I'd love to be able to forget that Schneider exists.

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