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Which is the same water but processed and shipped with a huge greenhouse footprint. So yeah, that'd work.

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I don't get how none of this is Obama's fault.

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The plants are $1Bn each...Dago is getting two or three.

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When I had to move from California to the UK, I was depressed because I felt like I got kicked out.

I now live in Scotland, where there is no water shortage, and there won't be for a long time.

Not so depressed any more...

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Can we kill them now? (With votes of course)

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Wow, that is pretty negative, Nancy.

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Seems like if you were coordinated enough, you could do both at the same time.

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That picture is probably what trophy wife # 5 will look like.

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What is this, CaliShack?

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Can't say 'when' - I canNOT believe how much rust repair the Studebaker needs - but when we make it out your way we'll be by. The whole area seems too beautiful NOT to visit.

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Why don't they just get their water shipped in and stick it to the man? Seeing as how they are willing to pay for it and all.

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Here a charming little bon mot that Wonkette didn't highlight. From the article:

“I’m a conservative, so this is strange, but I defend Barbra Streisand’s right to have a green lawn,” said Yuhas, who splits his time between Rancho Santa Fe and Los Angeles. “When we bought, we didn’t plan on getting a place that looks like we’re living in an African savanna.”

Yes we certainly don't want to look like a place that black people might live in. And why do those...those...freedom hater think that buying a house in a hot dry climate meant we were expecting to live in a savanna?

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He is fond of referring to his watering hose with Charlton Heston’s famous quote about guns: “They’ll have to pry it from my cold, dead hands.”

Somehow I get the feeling that guy has his "hose" in his "cold dead hands" a lot.

Oh and let's make believe that he does any of his own watering and that it's not a tasks that's delegated to so undocumented worker.

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Gee Zeus, could you be any more of a Buzz Kill.

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