"What Jesus fails to recognize is that it's the meek that are the problem...."

-Reg of the People's Front of Judea

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Did he yell that in Eyetalian? Because profanity hahas?

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I want a savior who won't drive me crazy?

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Strictly speaking, he or she hasn't yet learned the answer to that.

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Give a man a fish, and he'll eat for a day.

Give a man a miraculous fish, and he will misinterpret everything you say.

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Shame you can't introduce them to GODS RPG.

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Second. I know Trix liked it, but I thought it was pretty stupid. That's art.

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Sharon Stone, honest? I heard Bette Midler do that gag, but I'm sure it's been around for a while.

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Apparently, it's pre-stigmatized, so easy peasy.

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I have to admit, "Jesus Homeless Christ" makes more sense than "Jesus Hussein Christ".

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And if it was Sophie Tucker's...Although I doubt she said "Mud will be flung tonight!"

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but the Devil wears Prada

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You'd win that bet! I heard a story about it over the weekend, where New Pope saw the a mock up of the statue (full size to be donated somewhere .. Pope-y?) and he silently placed his hands on the stigmata on Jesus' feet, and prayed.


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That Marilyn statue is pretty terrible, especially how it forces everyone to live in Roger Ailes' dream land.

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"Did you every get picked up by the fuzz?

"Did it hurt?"

~ Sharon Stone

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Speaking of bad public art - that rubber statue of the sleepwalker in his underwear they dumped onto the campus of the all-women school still gets my vote.

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