For a sociology project in a high school class, we looked at the sociological makeup of the teaching staff at our school. 75% of the teachers had PE degrees.

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Not almost - it IS the same. It's a form of mental aberration; it's also a justification for remaining at the top of the pyramid. They 'deserve' to be there because they are the Most Correct, and therefore never wrong, not even - especially - about little things. Because if you get a little thing wrong, you might also get a big thing wrong. And if you get a big thing wrong, maybe you *don't* deserve to be on top. Which can clearly never happen, cause they know full well how poorly they treat those perceived to be beneath them - and they sure don't want to wind up there.

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Laws forbade free folks from freeing slaves, so former slaves who had purchased their family members had to hold them as slaves.

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“1. Through much of human history, slavery was ubiquitous and unquestioned”

So is killing Jews. What on earth is your point?

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"...in order to form a more perfect union..." The "Grand" Old Party lost the thread on this dream shortly after the assassination of Lincoln, and have no claim to his legacy. The Republican party is a racist party! Top to bottom.

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"Brazilian fart porn???" I'm absolutely certain that I don't wanna know.

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Yanno, when your defense is "Well everyone else sucked", you're not quite getting it, and painfully obvious that neither you or your group are particular admirable.

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I’m surprised he didn’t mention that slavery only existed in the United States of America for 89 years, while the remaining 311-odd years were on the English.

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So basically the US had slavery, but Lowry is pretty sure it didn't inhale.

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Christ. Your co-worker is a complete fucking tool.

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Rich Lowry shows us all how to trivialize and shift the blame for anything you are accused of, in this case it's slavery:

Say how others did it and how much worse they are than you!

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It's amazing how little conservatives think the rest of us know. Nothing Lowry points out is "news"--anyone who's cracked a history book (even in blue states!) knows that slavery pre-dated America's colonization, exists even today, and had a lot of non-white people profiting from it. And yet amazingly, liberal Americans can know all this and still be critical of our own country's role in slavery. Go figure!

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ayep. She also said how happy she was that she sold her boat for the asking price and the buyer didn't try to "jew them down". She's a real good christian though.

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Apparently neither do the people reading it to them.

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"Lincoln was a republican. Did you know that? A lot of people don't know that."

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