Look at the savings! The government will pay for Julia's birth control pills or abortion (if there's an 'oops') and save tens of thousands on paying for her child care bills--plus we won't have to put her bastard son into prison when he gets on drugs and goes on a drug-induced shooting rampage!

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Fuck me. I mean, say what you like about the tenets of overbearing state intrusion under the guise of social democracy, dude, at least it's an ethos.

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\"If voting changed anything, it would be illegal.\"<br /><br /><br />---

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Julia needs a yellow shirt.

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"And she is, fundamentally, a taker."

Yep. And since she'll make a good living, the government will be able to TAKE more taxes* so the government will able to afford the wars in which it will TAKE her son/daughter** into harm's way.

*unless she makes a LOT of money...then the government will take less

**unless she makes a LOT of money...then the government won't take any of her children. Unless they want to go, of course...which is unlikely. They have careers to work on, Jack.

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What Rich Lowry the Goatfucker failed to conclude is that Julia started her own business, paid off her student loans, employs a staff of 5, has health care, and pays taxes. Julia will also use Planned Parenthood. Julia also likes guns, fast cars, and Makers Mark bourbon. Julia is the kind of woman that Rich Lowry dreams about.

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Pretty much, yeah.

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Under George Bush, Julia would have enlisted in the US Military because she couldn't find a job that would support her.

After a couple of tours of duty in Iraq she gets killed, and a mountain in New Mexico named after her.

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And the payments Duh Gov'Nuh pushed through from "windfall" oil company profits - subsidized by the taxpayers in the other 49 states, of course, because the companies making those payments deduct them before calculating Federal income tax obligations.

I've never been able to understand why the T-Baggers refuse to recognize Duh Gov'Nuh's socialist agenda.

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Rich and Julio, down at the schoolyard...

[Music notes go here]

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Pauper's grave? I call socialism!

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This often happens at rallies and at the conventions. Don't you remember in 2008, when Barney Smith stood up and said he wanted a candidate who thought more about Barney Smith and less about Smith Barney?

At many campaign stops the candidate will introduce people by name and tell a bit of their story to illustrate a point.

This is a copy of the very effective ads that ran in California some years ago.

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Ever notice how every Republican discussion of any issue whatsoever devolves into tax policy?

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You know what, I don't worry about paying taxes either. I just fucking pay them, because I agree with Oliver Wendell Holmes.

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For Rich Lowry, that's not "entitlement overkill", it's "a great Friday night"

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Oh dear. Was he late in paying his monthly police bill?

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