I did a few searches this past week and found plenty of places down there that looked pretty good. It would be easy to get to from here north of Austin and I can habla un solo poqueto, nada mas.

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Man exploits man >> man exploits man.

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♫<i>Some 're poor And the living is easy.</i>♫

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Is that "very comfortable" successful or "private jet" successful? Also, well done, good for you, thanks for fighting the good fight!

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Kill the phonies! With social change!

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What's wrong with a safety net? I mean, really, I want someone to sit down and rationally explain, in words of no more than three syllables which are at least twenty years old, just what the fuck is the problem with safety nets for people that doesn't apply to investment banks.

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"The poors are different from us - they have no money."

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Dumb librulls. If being rich was so easy, more people would choose the lifestyle. After all, that's why all those poors choose the awesomeness of poverty.

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Here's a fun fact about being poor in Texas: To obtain SNAP benefits the application is 8 pages in length. To purchase a firearm or to obtain a Concealed Handgun License the form is a maximum of 2 pages in length. For the CHL, you must complete it on-line unless you have special circumstances, like, you don't have access to a computer.

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So 54 percent of rich people at the very top, and 57 percent just below, believe the “poor have it easy." Interesting that more people at the very top actually know what the fuck they're talking about, although it's horrifying that it's still only about half of them. The other half attend Mitt Romney fund-raisers.

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Yes, because constantly being judged over what food you can buy (you are on WIC and you buy a small steak with your meager cash earnings because it's your husband's birthday? YOU FRAUDSTER!) is empowering.

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Fifty four percent, eh? Let's not forget this is the sacred group Eric son of Eric keeps blabbering his face flaps about.

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Here's another thing about being poor: it literally costs more money. Gas prices are usually higher at stations in poor neighborhoods than in wealthier ones (because poor people can't afford to drive extra miles to look for cheaper gas); you have to pay deposits on rent, and often on utilities, which you don't have when you own your own home. But I'm sure that none of this will matter, because "facts".

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Every successful person believes their success is solely due to their hard work and superior effort and that every person who is not successful failed because they are lazy and simply didn't try hard enough. There is no such thing as luck or circumstance or even a built in advantage from being born to successful parents in their worldview

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"I'm the real victim here!"

*every conservative in Murica

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This poor person ($150 a week cash plus little house to live in, internet access depends on whether I skip a few meals to pay for it) can't afford to have my gall bladder removed so I tried the drug Ursodiol which shrinks gall stones and has to be taken for life. I say I tried it because one time I got a 90-day supply for $42 from Costco. But now the drug is not available anywhere in America for less than $500-something for 90-days worth. I can get it from Canada for $142 for 9-day's worth. But I live in Texas and with no insurance can't even afford that. I wonder if Cuba will become a 'medical tourism' site?

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