It might be nice if they raise the exemption on the Estate Tax-- that would help the family farms, the (true) Mom & Pops, and the rest of what's left of middle class America.

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Ayn Rand, bless her scabies-encrusted heart, was more subtle than that on inherited wealth. The way she saw it, inherited wealth would either give you a charmed life or utterly destroy you based on what you did with it, so it was morally neutral in itself.

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she seems nice.

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that's why i have a pitchfork in the shed. just because...

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that's why the poor, and middle class are good for the economy. we spend that shit as fast as we can make it. some even faster.

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you don't know me very well, do you?

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what's not perverted about a sock drawer? you make this too easy. thanx for that, by the way.

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I just remember reading (or trying to read) one of her dumb books (Fountainhead? Atlas Shrugged?), and there was an heiress constantly yapping about pulling oneself up by one's own bootstraps. I think I was 14 at the time, and even I realized how incredibly dumb that was.

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The Koch spawn would have a hell of a time trying to spend $80 billion dollars. They'd basically have to start setting thousand dollar bills on fire, and even then it would take decades. That kind of money is hard to squander away.

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That's why I'm taking all my money out of the bank and investing in mattresses.It'll be barter only. Guns and goats/goat supplies. Silly people will have mattresses to hide their cash in and I'll survive the Apocalypse with gun toting goats.

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Looks like me last Saturday. I stopped trying to figure out how much fill I loved round about the third load.

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Love her to death, but...

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"in increments of less than $100,000"

Ask ol' Denny how that's working for him.

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what a mensch

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I do Hard Work*, use Ingenuity** and take Risk***, and I iz still a poorz. What am I doing wrong?* That crushed rock isn't gonna move itself into the truck.** Other people might call it 'scrounging.'*** Ever move rocks in sandals? It's a wonder I still have toes.

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Or two, three, six or ten generations ago.

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