Douche nozzle is too kind, he's more of an enema nozzle.

As for the rest of your comment, you are 100% on target.

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If it wasn't for the fact everybody got to run around yelling "It's Obama's Katrina! For real this time!!!", I'd be amazed it took this long for anybody to spout this stuff in public.

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The Founders would probably have actually thought people should just get their slaves to sandbag the house.

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Floods come in, droughts go out. You can't explain it.

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He said cook meals! What's the problem?

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A couple things you didn't mention - First, I hear most of these areas had never flooded before and were not considered at risk. So there goes the "don't live on a flood plain" argument...

Second, the original 13 colonies not only had no money but also had a tiny fraction of our current population and population density. The scale of our disasters today is drastically different and beyond the ability of aid organizations, local churches and the local community to address. Those groups ARE doing what Mr. Robertson suggests and it is not near enough.

Replace "neighbors" with "fellow citizens" and understand that FEMA and other government agencies helping out is the modern implementation of what he's suggesting. This is the social contract our society decided - that we would not ignore it when our fellow citizens needed help and leave them to their own devices. This is a much better use of our tax dollars than many I could name.

Finally, if ol' Phil thinks its the neighbors who should come together and help each other our, I'd just like to ask what he and his kin are doing for their neighbors, seein' as y'all live in Louisiana too? You been out there muckin' out houses and handing out casseroles?

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"If you don't like where you're living, just move and take it from the Indians."

Sincerely, Your Founders

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How very Christian of him.

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When did this soulless nitwit earn spokesperson status, and when will it end?

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Being Trumplike.

Phil shows us all how it should be done.

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Also, back in the old days, when disasters happened, people just up and died.

But I think we all know what government intervention they're still pissed about. The one that started in 1861.

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"Reality" television shows have taken the place that P. T. Barnum's freaks of nature used to occupy. The tv stars who do not have physical deformities like morbid obesity or dwarfism have spiritual deformities like Robertson's pure meanness.

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"And where did he 'study' this?"

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Sorry, I didn't mean to offend the communities and physicians who are getting it right. My reference was to when President Truman tried to get national healthcare going, and the AMA and other opponents pushed this ideology in some places, along with raising the specter of "socialism." I'm also a WPITS and have relatives who remember this messaging in places like Alabama. I'm glad to know that it's not widespread, because we need everyone to get onboard with a national healthcare plan.

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From Phil's mouth to Tony Perkins' ears.

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Of course, I was just trying to be self-deprecating. You just don't often hear the godless spoken of in a positive tone.

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