(Silly Party)

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The Boys from Santa Barbara.

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Thanks for reminding me to renew my passport.

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And this is different from China's bazillionaires picking candidates for Hong Kong, because . . . umm . . . Let me get back to you on this.

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I don't know about <i>telling</i> them apart, but keeping them apart is no problem.

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"How do we find someone we are confident can win and not get involved in 2015 with people just throwing money around?" ask the people who will be throwing all the money around.

The capacity of GOPtards to remain oblivious to irony never ceases to amaze.

I suspect that what they're really asking is, "Can we please buy your fucking candidate without having to spend so goddamm much money this time around?"

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Ug, even a passing thought about who Brizdul might want to fuck is too much for my stomach this early in the day. Clicking on that Gawker link might send me completely over the edge.

Also, too, getting chewed on by a snake and crappy Duggar music is currently what passes for entertainment?! The world has made me sangry (sad-angry) today. Going off to find kittens.

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A French Selfie sounds kind of dirty.

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With all that republican money flying around I'm surprised they haven't cloned Reagan yet.

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They're running out of white people.

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I look forward to another loss by Mittens Fruitbat Pa-ting Pa-ting Toasted Cyborg Romnington III.

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Meanwhile, in state politics, Rex Sinquefield is dropping a million dollars to a candidate for Lieutenant Governor. <a href="http://www.stltoday.com/new..." target="_blank">" rel="nofollow noopener" title="http://www.stltoday.com/news/local/govt-and-polit...">http://www.stltoday.com/new...

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Gazillionaires wanting to spend their muneez to buy politicians? Why, oh why, have eBay and Amazon not yet picked up on this eBiz opportunity?

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I love that the Republicans, whose genuinely democratic primary system gives every candidate, however repugnant, a legitimate chance to be heard and evaluated by the voters, want to adopt the much more top-down Democratic model, in the hope that their slavishly goose-stepping base will vote for whichever of the four plutocrats they tell them is going to win, shut up, no don't ask questions, this is the Rich White Guy we've picked to win.

I'm just saying, because it worked so well for Hillary in '08.

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It's one thing for the Republican oligarchs to foul the environment, restrict health care to the poor, or entangle the nation in perpetual war...but if they deny us a repeat of the 2011-12 primary debate circus, then it's time to burn the moth*rfuck*r down.

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And really, which one of the rich guys is going to tell Rand Ferret-head Paul he's not going to run? or Santorum? There isn't enough money to keep these guys off the TVs as it is. The media moguls will never stand for any scenario that results in less competition for air time and ad buys. And they get to sell those spots at a competitive rates; not the cut rate that they have to give to political parties. Karl stillwaitingforthoseelectionresultsinOhio Rove is never getting off the Citizens United gravy train now that stoopid rich people have proven they will still hire him after 2012.

going to needs lots moar popcorn

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