Anyone who would spend six bucks for a bottle of Miller deserves to.

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I'm told she "went off her meds" largely because said younger guy started boinking even younger wimmens.

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I'm rooting for the dragons. And the drag-queens, too also.

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See, if these guys were <i>philanthropists</i>, their money would support museums and symphony orchestras; if they were <i>basic fucking tax-payers</i>, their money would support schools and hospitals.

But they're <i>entitled douchebags</i>, so their money supports $6 beers and equally douchy celebs.

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Armed security forces.

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To be fair, it was the awesome Porsche 959, (I believe) which should come without speed limits, just based on merit. Actually, didn't Jobs have a Porsche that he refused to put a license plate on? But yes, I'm sure finding a woman who was smart and would have sex with him caused him to have a bit of introspection. Actually, she probably told him, no charity, no booty at some point.

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Maybe the National Park Service will give them a discount on Alcatraz. I mean it's the perfect gated community, amirite?

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can i get a job?

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i have always wanted to know who tech guy v1.0 is.

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<i>Who</i> wants to escape <i>dessert?!</i>

You people sicken me.

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Dance for me, my little readers!

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The American dream is to make so much money you don't have to give a shit about anybody.

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That's the worst part of it, when people who think they're entitled to riches beyond the wildest dreams of Croesus (because the market magically says so) then turn around and sneer at the "entitlement attitude" of their fellow humans for wanting a quality of life just a wee bit this side of death from neglect.

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But they're vegan!

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You don't go full Ken Layne, though.

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This doesn't apply to Saint Steve Jobs of course, who left his whole fortune to, uh....

What did he do with it again?

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