What Reagan said about freedom may have been true on its face, but it's important IMO to remember the context. He was slagging on Medicare and equating the government paying for part of seniors' health care with the end of freedom. Freedom to do what? To pay outrageous, unaffordable insurance premiums?
IOW, it was part of the consistently over-the-top, apocalyptic rhetoric that conservatives apply to every policy disagreement. Everything they don't like is always an existential threat to America. This is one of the major ways in which they cheapen and poison political discourse, because it has a boy-who-cried-wolf aspect. They say shit like that so often that when THEY pose an ACTUAL threat to the nation, it's dismissed as just more political noise.
I, too, am a privileged white man, and a senior citizen to boot, with the entire goddamned deck stacked in my favor, but I will NOT be "ok" if Trump wins another stint in the White House. Even if by some miracle he didn't manage to burn the entire constitution and we emerged as a democracy, the damage he'd do is nigh on incalculable, not even considering the ramifications of empowering the MAGA GOP.
That nobody's going to be coming for MY personal privileges does NOT equate to "I'll be fine."
His smug dismissal of concern is what kills me. Ok, sure, there were a few not-insane people in the first tRump administration who kept the ship afloat. But in a second term? "Farewell and adieu to you fair Spanish ladies..."
As long as he gets yet another tax cut, he simply doesn't care who gets sacrificed to give it to him...
Ugh. He is not just ignorant, he’s a nauseating a-hole.
I dropped cable 10 years ago, so never saw the jerk.
Ass-hat gonna Ass-hat........
Who decided we needed Chris Cuomo’s take on anything? Shouldn’t he and his brother be living lives of quiet disgrace now?
The worst people sometimes can be the absolute worst.
“Yes. I think it happens, I don’t know when, I don’t know why.“
Democracy. How do it fucking work?
Cuomo don’ know. It just do!
i quit watching cnn because of his act … another ‘’victim’’ of being born on 3rd base …
We surived Chris Cuomo, sort of.
What Reagan said about freedom may have been true on its face, but it's important IMO to remember the context. He was slagging on Medicare and equating the government paying for part of seniors' health care with the end of freedom. Freedom to do what? To pay outrageous, unaffordable insurance premiums?
IOW, it was part of the consistently over-the-top, apocalyptic rhetoric that conservatives apply to every policy disagreement. Everything they don't like is always an existential threat to America. This is one of the major ways in which they cheapen and poison political discourse, because it has a boy-who-cried-wolf aspect. They say shit like that so often that when THEY pose an ACTUAL threat to the nation, it's dismissed as just more political noise.
Which may be one reason they use that rhetoric. Or am I giving them too much credit?
Hear fucking here!
Fuuuuuuck him.
“We survived January 6th”
That’s true, except for those who didn’t
Jesus Fucking Christ, I can't even.
I, too, am a privileged white man, and a senior citizen to boot, with the entire goddamned deck stacked in my favor, but I will NOT be "ok" if Trump wins another stint in the White House. Even if by some miracle he didn't manage to burn the entire constitution and we emerged as a democracy, the damage he'd do is nigh on incalculable, not even considering the ramifications of empowering the MAGA GOP.
That nobody's going to be coming for MY personal privileges does NOT equate to "I'll be fine."
Fucking Moran!
His smug dismissal of concern is what kills me. Ok, sure, there were a few not-insane people in the first tRump administration who kept the ship afloat. But in a second term? "Farewell and adieu to you fair Spanish ladies..."
"Biden as a gaffe machine"
I don't care if Biden makes a thousand gaffes a day, it's still better than FASCISM YOU PRIVILEGED ASSHOLE.
"... during an appearance on the “PBD Podcast”
If a dope trips on his dick in the middle of a podcast, is there a sound?
mono mano applause ?
Must be nice to have this kind of privilege. And some turds are. indeed, unflushable.