I've had it with these corny jokes!

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May Stephen Miller be denied service in every restaurant he enters forever.

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Kevin would never accept Unemployment Insurance. That's for Socialists.

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"Chinese lady-spies will be required to wear masks."

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All successful autocrats consolidate their power by destroying any potential threats. That means that they are unlikely to have effective administrations, because anybody with any intelligence, effectiveness, or independence is going to be destroyed sooner or later. The only trait that is valued is loyalty to the leader.

That's one reason why autocratic regimes tend to be so bad at actually getting things done. Hitler, Stalin, Saddam, Mao, they only excelled at killing and destroying perceived enemies.

Also, btw, a reason why killing the leader of such a regime in the name of freedom for the people of the country is so unlikely to succeed. You kill off the leader and you've got a mushball of incompetent warring factions all trying to grab the loot and the power and nobody to actually lead.

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Kelly Loeffler is a lot richer than Burr. Her husband is the chairman of NASDAQ--he's the high priest of the real religion of the GOP. They both have contributed to repub candidates, bigly, which is why she was appointed to that senate seat. She is connected. Even though hillbilly auctioneer and cheeto taint licker Doug Collins is trying to primary her, she won't be touched by cheeto or his goon Barr.

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wonder if Burr will flip on Trump now?

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The FBI is DEEEEEEEP STAAAAAAATE except when inconvenient.

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So we point and laugh. I especially enjoyed Joel's version of that cape, "with a pocket for my Mentos!"

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Dianne Feinstein I believe lost money, the trades were never suspicious. Kindly do not both-sides this.

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Worst waste of filming technology EVER recorded. NO question.

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off topic.... I missed this part in the Matrix. Must have slept through it. https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

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Beck becomes parody.

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So, since it's a Select Committe, McConnell gets to pick the new GOP leader, if he doesn't want to go the seniority route [Rheis (sp?), Rubio,...].Moscow Mitch is totally gonna pick some bootlicker who'll say the whole thing is hoax!!!11!! and trash the entire Senate Intel report.Hopefully Warner will have his own minority release.my dog, what timing.

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