Well, she invited him on the boat. Even put out the champagne. But like I said, I think that thing was shot with a lot more ambiguity than I think they were going for. Plus, you know, they just got done talking about how she was sold into prostitution at 12 and is a sex slave.

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Daniel Craig is a shitty Bond. I have nothing against him as an actor, but he's just not James Bond to me...

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Also, Connery had PLENTY of muscle, being a bodybuilder (way, waaaay back when) in his youth.

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oh man i forgot about that scene.


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Laphroaig Libel!

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...weak of knee and damp of puss....

Ahhh, Editrix. Breakin out the good stuff.

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I think Daniel Craig's Bond has an edge of misanthropy (which doesn't preclude misogyny, either), generally. His Bond is portrayed openly as Damaged, but that's What It Takes to Do The Job.

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Did Cohen not get a load of the new Q and his wispy nerd HOTNESS? That tossled hair, the child molester glasses, the snazzy cardigan! *swoon* (I'm not being ironic, BTW, I really thought he was hot.)

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Some of us prefer the \"shitty\" original series.<br /><br />Sent from my iPhone

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Daniel Craig makes my knees go a bit wobbly too. Note to Richard Cohen: nobody likes a whiny bitch, whatever scotch they prefer.

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I could see Cohen as an extra on the old Star Trek series - the member of the landing party who wore the red shirt.

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Don't forget The Gays as also loving Daniel Craig's Hot Body and Craggy Mush!

Severine really is the only thing in the movie I can really complain about. M and Naomie Harris's character are badass all over the place and then... we have a sex slave who gets shot in the head for being naughty to the villain. Yeah. I mean, I think there was other stuff going on with that, but just on a surface level, it's a LITTLE problematic. And I think the shower scene was just shot wrong. I think she DID know he was there and was down for sexing, but they didn't indicate that well, if at all, so it looked rapey.

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I wish you hadn't used that picture on the right to illustrate your story. I know it is a part of our history, but it's too much.

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My friend from China lurves Daniel Craig so I made her a sleep mask with pictures of him pasted on the inside. She calls me Mr. Qing Wa which means "Nice Guy" in Chinese, or maybe "Frog".

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<i>"...in sports lingo..."</i>

I don't speak Esperanto. What is "lingo"? I suspect it's some kind oral act involving a ball or two.

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