Tweeting Pocahontas in 3 ... 2 ... 1 ...

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Alternative headline...Richard Cordray To Leave Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, Banks Cancel Lube Order.

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TFW you remember all your lefty friends who dragged on Obama because was “too easy on banksters.”

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Must get off the grid... must get off the grid...

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Need to replace your broken Keurig coffee machine? Apply for a payday loan now!

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This is great news! Our mortgage just got transferred (we had no say or choice in this) to a different processing agency, Freedom something something. They have the worst Yelp reviews I have ever seen on anything. We could refinance but we were locked into a pretty sweet rate so we are going to cross our fingers and say, ain't capitalism grand, so many competitions making companies behave themselves to win over consumers with their low prices and great customer services!

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The group hopes Trump will appoint a replacement who “will listen to customers rather than special interests,” he said.This struck me as absurd, because at first I assumed the customers of the federal government were the average citizens and the special interest groups were the sleazebag loan shark organizations, but once I realized that I had that backwards it all made sense.

The "customers" of a regulatory agency are the businesses to be regulated. Duh!

We are so fucked.

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You first.

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Mine got sold to Mr. Cooper.

Seriously. That's the name. It's a mortgage company that calls itself Mr. Cooper.

I'm waiting for the next shoe to drop, even though I have no idea what it might be.

EDIT: I looked them up on Yelp, and they're as bad as Freedom something something. A lot of complaints from people whose mortgages, like mine, were sold by CitiMortgage. Just what I need--more stress.

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"We are using left wing rhetoric ironically dishonestly stupidly!"

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He was too easy on banksters. HAMP was a joke. That doesn't contradict Trump being orders of magnitude worse.

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Ha! Gossip existed back then. It didn't keep the rubes distracted. Things haven't gotten bad enough fast enough yet but the R's just put the accelerator down. Average Joe is starting to notice.

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The consumers they mean are the corporate ones.

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And the kleptocracy grows just a little bit more.I think my prediction, that it would take decades to fix the US if/when sane adults take charge again, might have been over-optimistic.

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Lemme guess, Mr Cooper bought the bank from Mr Potter.

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Yeah, our mortgage changed hands three times before it settled with the current bank -- and of course, the original bank assured us that they never sold off their mortgage contracts, until like those other banks. We'll have it paid off within the next five years, so hopefully even if it does get sold again, whoever gets it next won't have their hands on it long enough to do anything too crooked with it.

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