Taste great but the plants usually die young.

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Several of those things do not belong with the others.

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Also maggots. No better way to debride necrotizing flesh.

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Easier to get rid of than Oklahoma chiggers. Had them burrowed into my legs for years. Still have the scars.

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Good point. I’m not the only reader of Nineteen Eighty-Four to notice Winston Smith’s patronizing, paternalistic attitudes toward the proles. But I haven’t read any of Orwell’s other books besides Animal Farm.

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It's a never-ending job. Pesky mutagens and cosmic rays.

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Most rattlesnakes in the SW today won't rattle regardless of how much you hassle them. The ones that did got killed.

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Here's a spoiler: the most hated evil villain that Winston Smith has to face is named ... O'Brien. Let's assume that Orwell didn't choose the names "Winston Smith" (super English) or "Emmanuel Goldstein" (super Jewish) without some meaning to them; then I think it's reasonable to infer something from the fact that the ultimate enemy is Irishness Incarnate. Damn those Irish, all being victimized by the English and making the English all worried about reprisals!

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But God really loved him, you know.

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"The single main aim of eugenics was to breed a new human race that would no longer have poverty."

You do that by culling Republicans.

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Mostly in the thigh.

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Also, long term arsenic poisoning from the gigatons of arsenic dumped on tobacco crops as a pesticide.

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Mutagens, radiation (especially cosmic rays).

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Maybe...Richard just watched Gattica on teevee and just got to thinkin

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Do you get confused by Danica Patrick and Dan Patrick?

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...or as Genentech put it in one of their annual meetings... "There will ALWAYS be a 'shortest 5% of the population', thus no matter how effective our HGH is, or how tall people grow, we can be sure to ALWAYS have a ready market..."

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