Warnings of impending class revolt in America are showing up in the weirdest places these days -- likeVanity Fairmagazine, which just published this terse summary of the situation by Joseph E.
When someone on another board asked just what was it that the rich got for their taxes (actually, he said, "the theft of their wealth". The best answer I ever saw was that the rich go to live in a stable, prosperous country where they can make obscene amounts of money.
<a href="http:\/\/free.bigego.com\/" target="_blank">do not numb yourself with purchases or vain over-consumption do not isolate your spirit arise and claim your freedom your tv and your radio seek to keep you in your slumbers step out into the sunlight arise arise arise</a>
When someone on another board asked just what was it that the rich got for their taxes (actually, he said, &quot;the theft of their wealth&quot;. The best answer I ever saw was that the rich go to live in a stable, prosperous country where they can make obscene amounts of money.
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you can have mine.
but teh presedint is a soshulist!!!!11
I would have said &quot;evil&quot;, but that&#039;s a judgement call.
Guess who owns the papers? Hint: It&#039;s not the revolutionaries. The revolution will not be televised, it&#039;ll be tweeted.
I have a pitch fork named Pokey. It has been a loooooong winter for Pokey.
<a href="http:\/\/free.bigego.com\/" target="_blank">do not numb yourself with purchases or vain over-consumption do not isolate your spirit arise and claim your freedom your tv and your radio seek to keep you in your slumbers step out into the sunlight arise arise arise</a>