When I first read that our student body had elected an openly gay man... I viewed it as a testament to the Aggie character.

Yes, young Normal-Americans at Texas A&M have such strong character that they'd even (maybe) allow a Homo to serve in student government, like he's people! Nothing less than a round of applause for these fine young people and their exemplary tolerance.

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Glow Sticks? Seriously? They're like 50 cents each on Amazon. What could he possibly do in the murky world of glow stick finance to warrant disqualification?

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Well, they got Al Capone on tax evasion. Or the GOP version, "he must've been guilty of something."

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Alcee Hastings was born in Florida in 1936. An 80 year old black citizen doesn't have to tone anything down for anyone.

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Good point.

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Dear Secretary Perry,Your boy had a full hearing and was disqualified for cause. I'm sorry that you're so upset that the system didn't work in favor of a white, straight Republican male this one time, and I know it must be tough for you to deal with that, but soldier on, cupcake. Soldier on.Oh, by the way - oddly enough, we don't really have to try to imagine "How would they act and feel if the victim was different?" because throughout history, women and members of minority communities were instantly disqualified without even the pretext of a reason. So.... there's that, so maybe you should just hush now.If you feel inclined to comment further on this, remember the wise advice given by the mighty Queen Elizabeth I to one of her confidantes - "mouth is open, Nursie, should be shut."All the best in your future endeavors!sgt. jmk

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Let's turn that around: If the gay guy had won more votes but been disqualified in favor of the son of a major Republican donor, would RIck Perry have found the time to write a pissy butthurt WSJ op-ed about it?

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I was going to say something but this story just mocks itself.

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Stump stoopid and no good at mathRick took a conservative pathAnd so, dear readerThis aging cheerleaderCould not find his own dick in the bath

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What, now they DON'T like the Electoral College?!

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Because he wants the full opportunity to throw him under the bus himself. If Congress does it without him, it's harder (not impossible, but harder) to claim the credit.

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What a lucky boy he was!

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Seriously.The guy who controls the nukes took time to whine about the kid of a friend of his not getting to be student body president.Let that all sink in, America.

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I will assume that our nuclear arsenal is just hunky dory since this seems to be what the Energy Secretary's focused on.

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"Put Neidermeyer on it. He's a sneaky little shit just like you."

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