No because Rick Perry wanted to call off all the other investigations against all of his "boys" that he politically appointed and have run state agencies into the crapper. He has what 10 attorneys and none of them have even figured out how to get him out of the charges thus far. And it is a Republican Judge and Republican Prosecutor so don't throw out false facts to try and fit your narrative.
So how come Perry didn't make several other Republican prosecutors resign after their DUI's (and one had multiple cases)? HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM
While distilling your opponents arguments to 'tinfoil hat wearing morons', you forgot to mention the part about not wanting people like you in government telling them how to run their lives.
I'll keep my tinfoil hat, you can jeep Kathleen Sebelius just to remind you what a moron really looks like.
Texas has been using direct-recording electronic (DRE) voting machines for more than a decade.In that case, the poor magically vote just like the rich, because they know what's best for them, them being the rich.
No because Rick Perry wanted to call off all the other investigations against all of his "boys" that he politically appointed and have run state agencies into the crapper. He has what 10 attorneys and none of them have even figured out how to get him out of the charges thus far. And it is a Republican Judge and Republican Prosecutor so don't throw out false facts to try and fit your narrative.
So how come Perry didn't make several other Republican prosecutors resign after their DUI's (and one had multiple cases)? HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM
Quibbling with facts. Don't you know some people cannot stand those pesky facts? Hurts their feelings.
While distilling your opponents arguments to 'tinfoil hat wearing morons', you forgot to mention the part about not wanting people like you in government telling them how to run their lives.
I'll keep my tinfoil hat, you can jeep Kathleen Sebelius just to remind you what a moron really looks like.
They took her taxes over her most virulent protests, so when it came time to get her money back, she took it.
Typical rightist: Sense of humor left at the door and hackles perpetually raised.
That said: We're leaking.
Texas has been using direct-recording electronic (DRE) voting machines for more than a decade.In that case, the poor magically vote just like the rich, because they know what's best for them, them being the rich.
Healthcare in Texas? Isn't that what the prisons are for?
$4500 is an awfully low number. Not as low as the IQ of a Republican voter, but still.
Kris Kristofferson said something very similar.