Okay, so he managed to cover three points this time. But so far he's only up to two felony charges.

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"Baby Rick Rack, light blue"? Needful Things is just trolling us now.

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Hey, I knew an Ivan Pompatusovitch at Ellis Island. Any relation?

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You''re prolly dying for some Walnettos, then.


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Ground Control to Major Kong:


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Oooh, we'll see how that platform of hopey-opportunityey change plays with your base, Ricky. It sounds so familiar. Where have we heard something just like it before? Shit. It'll come to me.

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Oxymoronic? I was told there would be no reading, writing, or... what was the third one?

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Ha, ha. Rick, you wordsmith, you! "The conservative movement must be a great agent of reform...we must offer a vision of change." Interesting because the very definition of "conservative" is one who is averse (no Ricky, that doesn't mean "in favor of") to change. But you keep on humpin' along and keep those hi-larious Jimmy Carter quips a'comin'. You'll never accomplish a fraction of what he's accomplished because you don't have the guts, to say nothing of the smarts.

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"...he thinks if he says 'Israel' enough, all the American Jews will vote for him..."

Actually, even if they did, it wouldn't do him much good, since Jews are something like 3% of the U.S population. What he thinks is that saying "Israel" a lot will make Sheldon Adelson give him money.

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Jimmy Carter is worth maybe 10 Rick Perrys.

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When wingnuts are fucking that kosher chicken they aren't fucking it for teh jooz! they are fucking it for the evanganuts. That's why it's a ritual like denying evolution, being anti-abortion and the thinly veiled racism of 'states rights'- to let the Christian right know theyze on theyze sidez

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Whata moran...

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Aren't they all from the island of Pompatovia? Those people are super clannish.

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You bet your bippy I am!

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