God even plays dice with the universe, Ricky. Think about that as you put your string of 10 consecutive election wins on the line.

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It stops them dead alright. I could not get them to say the words Supreme Court. Could it be they haven't after all these years been issued the talking points on the subject? Or worse?

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Jim Hightower has been a leading voice against the corporate takeover of America. I highly recommend his newsletter and his website.

There's a saying among military historians that amateurs study tactics and professionals study logistics.

Anyone seriously interested in changing the United States for the better won't concentrate on horserace politics - important as that is. We have to address and correct this horrible trend of amoral corporations with eternal life taking over.

And - Memo to Gov. Perry - corporations in the US of A are not "over-taxed." This is another Tea-Bagger lie, started by the corporations seeking to keep their ill-gotten power. Half the corporations in America pay no Federal income tax. $0. Many keep profits overseas and use "brass plate headquarters" to avoid paying taxes.

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I think those corporate citizens should pay taxes the way we humans do: on gross income, minus a few deductible expenses, and a few tax credits.

Also, corporation people can't sign contracts until they're 18.

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<i>he would be praying to end “government’s over-taxed, over-regulated, over-litigated” policies</i>

Good luck with that Ricky Pee. God strictly follows the laws of nature and probability. He doesn't overturn democratically enacted laws. You may be thinking of Iran's Guardian Council, which rules whether laws conform to Sharia Law.

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to be fair, i would be happy to lynch AT&T, comcast and occasionally United.

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"What about my right not to be poisoned by your corporations there Rick?"

Where's that in the Constitution? Huh?

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What intrepid photographer ventured to the right of Perry? That's scary territory.

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What Kirsten meant to say was "...kidnap baby Jesus and sell him as a sex slave ..."

Pretty much everybody here noticed that oversight, I'm sure.

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Like a top-heavy manic flamingo, She stood up, shook her arms, and yelled "Bingo!" We gaped at her, rapt, As her upper arms flapped; They were bingo wings. (Such is the lingo.)

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When Gubnor Douchebag PrettyHair speaks about Jesus, religion, and prayer I remind my conservative and liberal friends that going to Church doesn't make you more Christian any more than standing in a garage makes you a car.

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I just finished two days of arguments with a band of paultards where states rights were the answer to everything and I do mean everything. They get real mad however if you mention slavery or abortion or the Supreme court. Real mad. Go figure

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Those evil bastards at EPA Region 6 had enough of the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) that the told them that their flexible air permit program was so full of holes that they were essentially disqualified and the Feds we're taking over the Texas air permitting program. Well Gubnor Ricky was plenty pee-ohed over that.

Mean while at Industry world, all of the largest air permit holders quietly and diligently submitted permit documentation to the EPA because they wanted to demonstrate they followed "best industry practicies." EPA has approved those permits instead of the TCEQ "prepared with crayons" permits.

Rick is nothing more than a goat fucker in a suit wearing Lucchese boots.

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At this point, His sense of humor has absolutely nothing to do with it. Drought. "Can you hear me now?" Heat wave. "Can you hear me now?" Fires. "Can you hear me now?" MORE DROUGHT. "Can you hear me NOW?!"

etc., etc.

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Thanks a lot for that. And I'm fresh out of brain bleach, dammit.

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