Gov. Perry has pointed out that any young person who has lived in Texas for three years, and graduated from a Texas high school, is eligible for in-state tuition.

So the position that those poor kids in Oklahoma are being disadvantaged by this is flat out wrong. Not that that has ever stopped the right wing nutz before.

Gov. Perry also pointed out that the Texas Legislature passed this bill. Do the TeaBaggers want a Federal law that forbids states to decide this issue as each one sees fit?

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AKA "I Had A Dream But It's Governor Perry's Nightmare".

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LBJ told the story of a young schoolteacher who badly needed a job applying to teach in a little Texas town in the 1930s. Asked whether he believed in evolution or not he replied he could teach it either way, Perry and the rest will go with the teatard flow and if they get elected will just hew to what the corporations want.

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I think Larry Flynt should translate his offer into Spanish. Perry being magnanimous is pretty fishy, if you know what I mean.

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It's the damn magnets. If we would stop letting Mexicans have all those plum American jobs (like picking plums, for example), they'd stay over in the Mexico side of the dang fence.

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Cubans who reach the United States are heros. Mexicans who do so are destroying America.

People speaking Italian in LIttle Italy are charming. People speaking Spanish anywhere are destroying America.

Inexpensive food comes to us from the miracle of the marketplace. Low wages paid to immigrant food workers is destroying America.

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And he probably eats tangerines.

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Christ, when Rick is considered a softy you have to wonder how much further to the right these idiots can swing.

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