And here I was, imagining some studly guy wearing little more than a leather tool belt.

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Translation: 2.5 million email addresses where nobody's home to click the "unsubscribe" button.

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A "day of prayer and fast-fooding" would probably be more accurate. As I recall, the Texas-sized food court, with 57 varieties of greasy fried shit-on-a-stick, was open for business throughout.

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If a money shot happens in the forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a splat?

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Its a variation on IOKIYAR: For Repubicans, all is forgiven after five years. For Demoncrats, nothing is forgiven. Ever. Especially things that never happened.

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WTF is a video store?

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I call bullshit.

"Movie Gallery sold porn." As far as I know, porn is free. Investing in a porn company is like investing in a company that sells rain. OH WAIT, Ricky pretty much did that too.

<a href="http:\/\/governor.state.tx.us\/news\/proclamation\/16038\/" target="_blank"> Gov. Perry Issues Proclamation for Days of Prayer for Rain in Texas </a>

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<i>"This represents sloppy reporting at its worst."</i>

I'll bet Judy Miller could give these stories a run for their money. Or any political story on Fux News.

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<i>He sold his stock that same year.</i>

Yeah, after it was all sticky and he couldn't turn the pages any more.

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