Or you get a birth control device! And you get a birth control device! Everybody gets a birth control device! For free.

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I agree with you completely. Not all women want to breastfeed. That would have been my choice. *I* think it's gross. But yeah, from what I understand, the minute you give birth, the lactivists are on you.

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Well, they're gonna learn those words somewhere, why not at home, first?

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Dylan's mom wrote a book about it recently.

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NC doesn't allow guns in their schools (yet), but they did put in a sop to concealed carry permit holders: You can keep your gun as long as you stay in your car and you're only there to pick up/drop off your kid.

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Amanda Marcotte said a thing on the twitters that I thought was good to keep in mind:https://twitter.com/AmandaM...

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On CNN’s “State of the Union” yesterday, former Pennsylvania senator and for unknown reasons current interviewee Rick Santorum. ...

FOXlite CNN has been chasing the FOX business model for quite a while now.

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Santorum? The guy who had his wife have an abortion risk her life by waiting untill the last possible minute, that her body might not survive, to have a forced birth of a non-viable fetus child. A child that only survived a matter of hours. Then arranged (how?) to take the dead fetus home so their children could caress it and sing to it. That Rick Santorum? YES that "fine upstanding" Rick Santorum.

NB: Don't take my word for it. READ about it in Karen Garver Santorum's own words in her book, Letters to Gabriel: The True Story of Gabriel Michael Santorum.


These fundagelicals are sick!

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You know the reason that Santorum keeps appearing on news shows years after he had any claim to relevance is because of all the single welfare queen moms. If we had better societal values, we wouldn't be having Santorum on news shows anymore. But those welfare queen moms put their kids on psychotropics to get more welfare and now we have to watch Santorum. Damn.

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Also: the Taliban

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Rick Santorum is the creepiest man alive. He makes me sooooo proud of my home state. Shudder.

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You're right - would've been better to say reproductive rights, which actually reflects my own position much more closely.

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If you haven't yet read, his wife, Karen Garver Santorum's book Letters to Gabriel: The True Story of Gabriel Michael Santorum , do so.

The part about his wife's abortion forced early birth and their children holding and singing to the dead fetus will really creep you out.


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Make up my mind, NRA/GOP: if single mothers raise school shooters, why must we ensure the single moms can buy a rifle to keep at home where the future criminal will have easy access to their weapon of choice?

“Passing a law that makes it illegal for a 20-year-old to purchase a shotgun for hunting or an adult single mother from purchasing the most effective self-defense rifle on the market punishes law-abiding citizens for the evil acts of criminals,” NRA spokeswoman Jennifer Baker said in a statement this week.

Can you guys at least align your illogical talking points so they don’t cancel each other out? kthxbye, asswipes.

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