<em>Stealing a pack of gum.</em>

That's strike two for the nine-year old kid. One more like that and we can put the little thug away for life!

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Santorum on my computer again . . . gross.

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They were trying to make a local version of this for the funeral, although, from the reviews, I don't know why. <a href="http://www.beeradvocate.com..." target="_blank">" rel="nofollow noopener" title="http://www.beeradvocate.com/beer/profile/4089/223...">http://www.beeradvocate.com...

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And he's the only one authorized to make more Santorum[s].

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They told you not to google!

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i'm an unemployed man. I spend zero hours on house work. Also zero makin' sammiches. Also zero sexy time, though I think that's just a coincidence.

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<i>Arrested, not shot, for stealing a pack of gum.</i>

White obvsly.

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It's getting hard to come up with good snark about the R's 2016 hopefuls - mostly because we've had so many years of having to come up with snark about the same. damn. annoying. losers. Come on, GOP - get us some new losers so we can freshen up our jokes!

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Our country has fallen and it can't get up.

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We can only hope that a band of scrappy teens has a similar plan in mind to deal with that eventuality.

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There are also unemployed men who spend inordinate amounts of time each day writing bad puns and boring little essays and stories about really mundane or obvious things and then they pretend-post them as comments to a little mommyblog on the interweb that doesn't even allow comments. Seriously, that is totally a thing now.

Well, OK, truthfully I know <i>one</i> unemployed guy who does that. For reals.

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When did <i>that</i> happen?

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But when the subject is human<i>-canine</i> sexuality (and marriage), it's a different story.

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that's why it's called the hellmouth.

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